Chapter Twenty-Five: Hold Me Now

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Description: You finish your first campaign, and go over to Eddie's to celebrate. You share a home-cooked meal with him and Wayne, and there's some not-so-good news coming from him. There's yelling, and crying, and terrible nightmares. But in the end, you comfort one another in the way you know best...

Warnings: swearing, yelling/arguing, anger, angst, crying, nightmares, mentions of blood/violence/death, parental issues, mentions of terminal illness, smut, oral sex, unprotected sex, fluff

Chapter Twenty-Five: Hold Me Now

"Alright, Y/N. You've gotta roll a perfect twenty to win. Think you can do it?" Eddie asks, tossing you the D20 from across the table. You catch it in your hand, looking at it anxiously. This is your last chance to clinch a win, otherwise you and your fellow players' journey is all for naught on this Sunday evening.

"I guess we'll find out, won't we?" You reply in uncertainty, heart racing with anticipation. You can feel everyone's eyes on you as you rattle the plastic icosahedron in your sweaty hands. You release the die after far too many shakes, and it chatters to the table. The moment plays out in slow motion, each side coming into view in agonizing succession. The players around you watch the spectacle unfold, loudly hoping and praying for the odds to work in your favor. You watch on hopelessly, biting your lip as your pupils follow the movement. The object in question gradually comes to a stop, rolling over one last time to display the numbers 2-0 in bright, blinding red paint. "Holy shit." You exhale, unable to believe you've actually succeeded. You look around the room, met with seven pairs of widened eyes and accompanying mouths hanging slackjawed to mirror your own skepticism.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you do it! Congratulations to Y/N on claiming a victory on her first game!" Eddie announces with a proud grin, bowing to you while extending his arms dramatically.

"Fuck yeah!" Dustin cheers, and the others join in with hoots and hollers while they squish you in a huddle of bodies. You're over the moon to have done so well on your first try, jumping up and down with glee. You imagine this is what it's like when sports teams win their big game, adrenaline and explosive joy coursing through your body when you realize you managed to pull it off.

Eddie scoots his chair out, pushing his way through the crowd to reach you. He reels you in to his embrace, kissing you passionately as a reward for truly becoming the Queen of Hellfire. Your knees give out as you melt into him, so he lifts you up to wrap your legs around his waist. "Well done, sweetheart." He says when he leaves your lips, an unrestrained hunger in his eyes. You can see he is almost desperate to celebrate your achievement in his particularly ravenous way.

You nod in understanding, smirking as you think about what he's going to be doing to you as soon as you're alone. "Thanks, love. Let's clean up and go home, hm?" You suggest, gently squeezing his sides with your thighs. Eddie puts you back down, and you assist him and the others in scooping up dice and player pieces. You can tell he's rushing, clumsily dropping his papers on the floor. He needs to get out of Mike's basement as soon as possible. You still have to drop the other kids at their homes after this, and neither of you want to take a second longer than necessary. You can't deny that during this whole weekend, every turn and attack and spell has served as a unique type of foreplay for you two. You've never shared such intensity before, it's a wonder nobody picked up on you two smoldering the entire game.

Friday was certainly mind-blowing, but last night was even crazier. You rode Eddie's cock for what felt like hours in his bed, crying his name to high heaven while you came over and over. He even pulled out some handcuffs he'd neglected to tell you about before, chaining your hands behind you while he railed you from the back. You called him Dungeon Master whenever he asked, well, more like commanded. He spanked your ass harder and harder every time you said it, the red-hot sting on your flesh sending you over the edge all on its own. He said the filthiest things to you all night, and you reciprocated by telling him just how fucking good he was, how you're his and only his. There must have been at least fifteen orgasms between the two of you, most of which were yours. Making you cum is one of Eddie's favorite things, and he just can't stop himself until you tap out.

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