Chapter Forty-Five: Disintegration

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Description: Eddie struggles with his rounds of trial prep, which makes Murray concerned about his performance in a courtroom. You uncover another of Eddie's awful life experiences, and thankfully allow him to stay the night after a tearful conversation. You do what you can to ease his troubled mind, any possible way you can...

Warnings: swearing, anxiety, mentions of domestic violence, mentions of gun violence, mentions of death/blood/gore/dead bodies, smoking, crying, smut, teasing, heavy kissing/touching, hand job, sexual frustration

Chapter Forty-Five: Disintegration

"Okay, let's try this again." Murray sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He's been working with Eddie for about a week now, and he's making little headway. Unfortunately, Eddie is quick to anger, makes snippy comments, and has even resorted to shouting and storming off. And you've sat by and watched every last second of it. You're seeing him at his absolute worst, and this is only practice. You shudder to think what a real trial setting could be like with Eddie on the stand. You've just gotten your boyfriend back to the couch from his latest outburst/smoke break. He's been having quite a few of those as of late.

"Fine." Eddie replies, rolling his eyes.

"Eddie, please. You promised you'd try to be more cooperative this time." You say firmly, though your tone is more exhausted than anything. You've been chasing after him each time he leaves the room, and offering every ounce of comfort or encouragement you possibly can. But it doesn't seem to be helping one bit. You feel like something else is setting him off, but he refuses to talk to you about it if there is.

"I know, Y/N. I'm really tryin' here. I just can't stand hearing anyone imply that you're at fault in all this. Even if it's 'just practicing'." He says in a surly tone, mocking your reminders that none of this is for real yet. He doesn't mean it as a slight to you, you know that. But it still stings a tad, making you consider the notion that maybe you're pushing him too hard. He fidgets grumpily in his seat, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I understand, love. I wouldn't like it either, if the roles were reversed. But let's just try this one last time, and then we'll be done for today. Okay?" You offer him a kind look, putting your hand on his arm. His stiff expression softens a little, and he gives you a small nod. "Good. Have at it, Murray." You gesture at the man sat across from you, who's been watching you tame your beastly boyfriend for the last couple of minutes. He smiles in amusement at you doing so, as he has every single time you've done it. You're so patient, it's honestly astonishing to him. Most people would lose their cool, or berate Eddie for acting in such a way. But not you. You can't bring yourself to play hard ball, even though it may become necessary very soon. You prefer the gentle approach, and Eddie seems to respond pretty well to it.

"Right. From the top!" Murray claps his hands together, and you take your hand away from Eddie's arm so he can focus. His eyes snap to you once you do so, he wishes you hadn't stopped touching him. You give him an encouraging nod, and he gets the message. You're right here by his side, and you're not going anywhere. "So, Mr. Munson, how long have you been in a relationship with Ms. Henderson?" Murray asks, putting on a voice he imagines Tommy's hoity-toity lawyer would have.

"Five months." Eddie answers flatly.

"And during your relationship, you've gained the knowledge of her prior relationship with Mr. Hagan, yes?"

"Yes, unfortunately." He snips, before he can even think to stop himself.

"Eddie!" You scold, smacking his arm with the back of your hand. It's not a rough smack, but a smack nonetheless. You're a little surprised that you even did it. You suppose your patience only goes so far. He almost glares at you, but he realizes it's probably best to have some negative reinforcement this time. You've been too nice to him, and it's not helping either of you.

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