Chapter Thirty-Two: Bad Blood

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Description: You and Eddie return home from your little trip, eager to be reunited with your family. The following day, a new employee joins you at The Hawk. This new coworker happens to be someone from your past who tests your relationship with Eddie...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, mentions of smut/teasing, mentions of blood, angst, crying, arguing, mentions of a past abusive relationship, mentions of cheating

Chapter Thirty-Two: Bad Blood

"Mom, Dusty, we're home!" You call into the house as you and Eddie walk through the front door on Sunday afternoon. The drive home felt much shorter than the trip to Michigan City, which both of you are very thankful for. You set your bags by the door, having already said goodbye to Wayne for the day. Eddie shuts the door, and you hear movement in the kitchen. You go over to see Mom digging around in the fridge, pulling out various ingredients to start a crockpot dinner.

"Hey, sugarpuff! How was your trip?" She asks, still scavenging the refrigerator. Dustin comes down the hall, holding Arwen in his arms.

"Hey, guys! Somebody missed you!" He says, handing you the kitten. She meows loudly, nuzzling herself against your chest and immediately purring.

"Hello there, little one. And the trip was fine, Mom." You casually reply to your mother's question, giving Arwen some scratches all the while.

"Oh, how did the visit at the prison go?" Mom continues, with no attempt to hide her concerned tone.

"It went as well as you'd expect. Wilfred Munson is one miserable bastard." Eddie answers for you, bringing his fingers up to wiggle in Arwen's face to get her attention. Her big grey eyes find them immediately, and she takes a small lunge to latch onto them with her teeth. "Ouch!" He yelps, pulling away. Blood begins to bead from the small punctures she made, and you tsk at Eddie's pained expression.

"Oh, baby. It's okay. She's only playing. Kittens are big biters sometimes. Let's get those cleaned up, though." You hand the cat back to Dustin for a minute, leading Eddie to the bathroom.

"Are you sure she doesn't hate me, Y/N?" Eddie asks, a tinge of sadness in his voice. He's never had a pet before, so he doesn't know how to take his first one biting him like that. He thinks the cat is upset with him, when that couldn't be further from the truth.

"No, Eddie. She loves you, I promise. She was very excited to see us back home, that's all. If anything, it means she was very happy to see you." You insist, opening the medicine cabinet to pull out the bactine and some small bandages. You take a q-tip from the bowl on the counter, soaking it in the disinfectant. You dab the small wounds on his fingertips.

"Ow, shit." Eddie grits his teeth as the liquid stings his bites.

"Just relax, love. We're almost done." You wipe away the blood and excess cleanser, and wrap the bandaids around his digits. You place light kisses on the pads of each of them, before letting him out of your grasp. He still looks a bit unsure about the situation, which makes your heart ache a little. You suppose he feels betrayed by Arwen, in a way. "Believe me, Eds. You'll know when she's pissed off." You insist, hoping he'll chill out a little.

"I know. I'll just have to get used to that, I guess." He nods his head, putting away the thought of failing at being a good cat dad.

"Mmhmm, I know you'll get the hang of it in no time." You give him a gentle kiss on the lips, and you both head back to the kitchen.

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