Chapter Forty-Nine: Happy Together

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Description: Mom and Dustin set off on their trip to California, leaving you and Eddie alone in the house. In the meantime, the two of you go on a search for an apartment together...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, light smut/teasing, fluff, small argument/angst, light crying

Chapter Forty-Nine: Happy Together

"You got everything you need, Dusty?" You ask as Dustin loads up the last box of his belongings into the back of the car. You and Mom have been helping him get ready for the start of classes at Caltech all last night and this morning. It's exactly eight days until he begins freshman year of college, so Mom decided to make it a fun little road trip for the two of them. They'll stop at various tourist attractions on the way, and get Dustin set up in his dorm room once they reach California. Jonathan and Will volunteered to help out when they arrive, leaving you to fend for yourself for a little while.

That's not to say that you aren't extraordinarily busy as well. You've got a full work schedule, and any spare hours you possess this week will be dedicated to you searching for an apartment with Eddie. You also have to go to Hawkins Community College to get your class schedule figured out. Luckily, you've taken a couple extra credits every year prior to this one, so you won't have as much of a workload this time around. You'd probably fall to pieces if you did, with everything else going on in your life.

"Yeah, I'm all set." Dustin replies, closing the trunk with a wide smile on his face. He's so excited to start this new path in life, and being closer to Will and his family will make the adjustment a little easier.

"I'm gonna miss you, big guy." Eddie says, stepping forward to give Dustin a hug. He gladly takes it, squeezing Eddie tightly in his arms. A couple of tears escape his eyes. Eddie's like a brother to him, he's gonna miss him so much. And Eddie surely feels the same, you notice the tell-tale shudder of his chest as you stand behind them.

"I'm gonna miss you, too, Eddie." Dustin sniffles, letting Eddie go a moment later. They both wipe their eyes, sharing a bittersweet smile.

"You're gonna kick ass out there, man." Eddie comments, earning a nod from Dustin.

"C'mere, Dusty." You beckoning him over, fighting off some tears of your own. You wrap your arms around his middle, and give him a good squishy hug. "I'm so proud of you, kid. Caltech is lucky to have you." You gush, a few runaway salty drops spilling down your cheeks.

"Thanks, Y/N. You're the best sister ever. It's gonna be hard not having you on my case all the time." He chuckles, making you laugh as well.

"Cheeky little shit." You comment, still laughing lightly.

"I learned from the best." He retorts.

"Damn straight!" You finally let him go, and Mom's standing just beside you, waiting for her own hug.

"Alright, we'd better get going. Dustin has to drive the whole way there, my license is still suspended for another few days." Mom says.

"You prepaid the fee, right?" You ask, hoping she won't be stopped by the cops on the way home and get herself into more trouble.

"Yes, Y/N. I did." She snarks.

"Jeez, relax. I just want you to get home safe." You scoff at her attitude.

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