Chapter Thirty-Five: Animal Magnetism

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Description: It's been a few days since the incident at the theater. You're spending the day with Eddie at home, having some much-needed intimate time. You look forward to returning to work, despite the change in employee dynamic with Eddie. But you intend to enjoy your last free day at home to the very fullest...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, smut, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, rough sex, praise/degradation, role-swapping, dirty talk, squirting

Chapter Thirty-Five: Animal Magnetism

"Morning, darling." Eddie coos, pressing a heated kiss to your neck. You're tangled up into each other in bed, just barely waking up as the late morning sun shines through your window.

"Morning, Eds." You reply sleepily, rolling over to look at him. His hair is all messy, lazy locks of it covering parts of his face. He's still got a nasty bruise on his cheek, which you've given plenty of soft kisses to try to make it better. His arms stay wrapped around your body, keeping you in his embrace. You bring your lips onto his, light as air. He quickly deepens the kiss, shifting himself to lay over you.

It's been a couple days since the incident with Tommy, and you've stayed at home this whole time since then. You think you'll be ready to go back soon, possibly tomorrow. But it'll still be quite nerve-wracking for you. You know Tommy won't be there anymore, obviously. But you can't help worrying just a little bit that he might come to the theater and try something. His father managed to get him off easy, so no assault charges for him. You consider yourself lucky that you aren't being sued for hitting him in the face. A case against you probably wouldn't hold up in court, though, since you were acting in self-defense.

"You think you'll be ready to go back to work tomorrow, boss?" Eddie asks, ending in a seductive tone as he lowers his head to nibble your neck. Your insides flare at his final word, and you let out a small sigh at his touch.

"Mmm, I like the sound of that. Say it again." You smolder, bringing your hands up to tug gently on his hair.

"Boss. God, you're gonna look so hot with your brand new name tag. I think you get to wear a red shirt, too." He continues, leaving a dark purple hickey on your supple flesh.

"You gonna listen to me when I order you around, baby?" You ask playfully while snaking your hands down his broad back. You dig your nails in, pulling a low groan from Eddie's lips.

"You know it, love. I'm kinda used to to it anyway." He chuckles, putting his face above yours again.

"Hey!" You smack his chest in an unserious way.

"I don't mind, sweetheart. You just know what you want, and how to ask for it. Nothin' wrong with that." He says with a devilish grin on his lips.

"Oh, I see." You mirror his expression. "Well, do you know what I want right now?" You ask, batting your eyelashes at him.

"Hmm...I think I have a pretty good idea." He laughs lowly again, dragging his hand down from your waist to between your legs. He slips his warm fingers under your panties, brushing against your clit. You moan at the contact, bucking your hips out of reflex. "Use your words, angel. Give me an order." He says darkly, lust-blown eyes boring into you. You definitely like where this is heading.

"Put your fingers inside me, Eddie." You reply breathlessly, waiting for him to obey you. He stops touching you for a moment, taking the time to remove your underwear completely. He discards his own as well, and you can see he's already rock hard for you. He returns to his position above you, spreading your legs nice and wide beneath the blanket. He places the same hand from before on your stomach, slowly lowering further and further to draw this out. Your breathing picks up, along with your heartbeat. He makes contact with your bundle of nerves again, slipping right past it to run along your slit. "Fuck." You whine, needing him to give you what you asked for already. He heeds your mental begging, slipping his middle and ring fingers inside your pussy. "Eddie." You moan, your back arching off the bed at how easily he brushes against your g spot.

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