Chapter Seventeen: Here Comes the Rain Again

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A/N: Hey everyone! Just gonna warn you all, this one is a bumpy ride. I was crying while writing it so you might need some tissues. (Unless I'm just a crybaby, lol)

Description: The morning after your anniversary, Eddie wakes up sick. You take him home, taking care of him. Mom calls with some surprising news, which sends you into a spiral of tears and rage...

Warnings: mentions of smut, swearing, tobacco/alcohol references, vomit, illness, anxiety, intense anger, crying, arguing, meltdown, parental issues/resentment, mentions of death, angst like nobody's business (sorry)

Chapter Seventeen: Here Comes the Rain Again

You wake up the next morning, head absolutely pounding. You groan at the sun shining in through the window, rolling over to snuggle against Eddie. But you realize he's not laying next to you. You hear him outside of the van and the back door is sitting open. "Eds?" You call to him, realizing you're hearing him make some strange noises. You crawl over to the door, and see Eddie vomiting onto the ground. "Oh, baby." You coo sympathetically, hopping out to help him. You walk over, putting a comforting hand on his back as he's bent over. He would speak, but his stomach has other ideas. He throws up again, violently painting the ground with the wine and sandwich he had last night. He's trembling, coated in sweat as he's standing in his underwear. "It's alright, let it out. I'm right here." You try your best to soothe him, there's not much else that can be done until he stops puking.

He finishes a couple minutes later, turning to lean against the side of the van. He's very pale, looking like he might pass out. He smiles weakly at you, wiping his mouth. "Sorry, angel. I can't imagine that's very attractive to look at. It seems whatever Wayne's got has passed on to me, I feel like absolute death right now."

"You sure you're not just hung over? We did get pretty drunk." You move closer to him, pressing your lips to his forehead. He's burning up, definitely not a hangover. "You've got a fever, Eddie. We gotta get you home and into bed, okay?"

"Okay, I think you're gonna have to drive though. I'm seeing two of you right now, so that can't be good." He chuckles wryly, trying to steady his dizzied head.

"Oh, Eds." You tut at him, helping him sit down in the open doorway for a moment while you gather his clothes. You hardly think you can take him home only in his boxers, you doubt Wayne would like to see that. You grab his pants, shimmying them onto his trembling legs. You don't bother with the shoes, but you help him put his shirt back on, doing up most of the buttons. Eddie abruptly pushes you backwards, which you find odd. That is, until you see him bend over to throw up again. You let him be, sliding back into your dress and slipping your heels off. You also sort out the mess of items you hastily bundled up in the plaid blanket last night. You don't want anything to get broken while you drive Eddie home.

"God, I swear my stomach is turning inside out." Eddie whimpers, your heart sinks at his words. You hate to see him like this, you wish you could make it all go away. But, Eddie's been there for you when you've been sick, and now it's your turn to take care of him.

"I know, love. Let's get you in the van, okay?" He nods, and you sling his arm over your shoulder to make it easier to walk him to the passenger side. It's a bit difficult, you're not used to carrying his weight like this. But you soldier on for his sake. You open the door and he slides into the seat, slumping miserably against the worn leather. You close the door, quickly going to the driver's side. You hop in, pulling your door shut. You turn the key to start up the engine, when you realize you've never driven such a big vehicle before. Hell, you've barely driven your mom's car since she works all the time.

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