Chapter Twenty-Seven: Inside Out

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Description: It's Dustin's birthday, and your three-month anniversary with Eddie. There's going to be cake, presents, and some other private things. You find an unexpected gift beneath a dumpster after your shift at work, one which sends you and your mother into a screaming match...

Warnings: swearing, teasing, mentions of smut, mentions of drugs, arguing, anger, angst, self-destructive tendencies, fluff, crying

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Inside Out

You've worked with Eddie at The Hawk for a few weeks now, putting you exactly halfway to your six-month relationship goal. You have plans to celebrate the three-month mark with Eddie tonight, after your shift and a late birthday party for Dustin. Neither of you were able to get the day off to celebrate on May 27th, so your brother insists on throwing the party today, June 2nd. 'It's only a week's difference', is what he told Mom when he begged to hold off on the festivities. You're surprised that Dustin would postpone his own birthday just to have you two there, but you find the sentiment very sweet.

"Hey, Y/N. We're almost done here, can you take the trash out back for me?" Jamie asks from behind the concession counter.

"Sure thing!" You reply, grabbing the big black bags gathered by the employee doors and pushing the metal bar with your back. You step out into the warm air of the early evening, making the short trek to the dumpster. You toss the bags in, wiping your hands on your pants afterwards. You're just about to turn around and go back inside, when you hear a small mew coming from underneath the metal receptacle. You get down on your hands and knees, peeking below the rusty bin to see where the sound came from. You see a tiny kitten hiding under there, staring at you with its perfectly round eyes. "Aw, hello there, little guy!" You coo, reaching a hand under the bin to coax the cat out.

"Mew." It says, inching towards you cautiously.

"That's right, it's okay. C'mere sweetie. You're safe." You continue to draw it out, wiggling your fingers playfully to maintain its attention.

"Mew." It speaks again, eventually coming close enough for you to scoop it out from there and into your arms.

"Hi there, it's okay. I'm gonna take care of you. You poor thing, how'd you end up out here?" You take a moment to have a good look at the little thing. It's all black, with piercing grey eyes, and so soft and fluffy despite being rather dirty. It's very cute, purring incessantly as you stroke its head. It's been years since you've owned a cat. Your previous one, Mews, died a few years ago. Your whole household was very sad when he had to be put down, he'd gotten attacked by a stray dog after escaping from the house one day. Mom couldn't bare to replace him, but maybe she'll let you keep this sweet little stranger you've found.

"You alright out here, sweetheart?" Eddie says from behind you, the heavy door shutting loudly after he steps outside. You turn around, and his eyes widen when he sees the cat cradled in your arms.

"I found this puffball under the dumpster. It's so precious, and it seems to like me." You say, absolutely smitten.

"Oh my god! Aren't you just adorable! Hey there, little kitty. Did Y/N save you from the garbage? You poor baby. It's okay, we'll take good care of you." You mouth falls open at Eddie losing his mind over the kitten, you've never heard him baby-talk anyone or anything before. He has his face level with the cat, smiling wide as can be. His eyes catch yours for a moment, and he realizes how ridiculous he's acting. He stands up straight, clearing his throat. "'s uh, pretty cute. I guess." He shrugs, playing it cool. But all you have in reply is uncontrollable laughter. He scowls at you, crossing his arms to demonstrate how unamused he is.

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