Chapter Four: Take My Breath Away

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A/N: Apologies for the delay. My husband left for a deployment a couple days ago. But I'll try to keep updates coming as much as I can.

Description: You and Eddie spend as much time together as possible on Saturday. You never leave his lap during the campaign, and you spend the night with him in his van to save everyone's innocent ears...

Warnings: Smut, teasing, fingering, choking, oral sex, unprotected sex, female ejaculation.

Chapter Four: Take My Breath Away

You spend the entirety of Saturday on Eddie's lap, watching him closely as he leads the campaign. You worry that your position makes it difficult for him to perform effectively. But any time you try to move off of, him he holds you firmly in place. After the first four hours of the day, everyone takes a break and you and Eddie go outside for a smoke. "How are your wounds doing? You should probably change the bandages when we go back in." He says as he pulls out his cigarettes. He's leaning against the house, and you stand closely in front of him.

"They don't hurt as much today, and I'll look them over in a bit." You reply, taking a cig from the pack while reaching in his jeans pocket to retrieve the lighter. Your hand brushes against his dick, and his breath hitches. You smirk at him as you light up. "What's wrong, darling?" You question innocently.

"Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. You know exactly what you're doing." He says with a grin, snatching the lighter from you. He ignites his own cigarette, inhaling deeply. He puts the pack and lighter back in his pockets. Then he grabs you by your waist, pulling your body against his. Eddie gazes into your eyes, lust swimming in his pupils. He breathes out, smoke flowing from his mouth in swirling clouds. He moves his head through the smoke to kiss you hungrily, causing you to moan.

You pull away from the kiss, knowing you'll lose track of time again if you let him keep touching you. He looks at you confusedly, almost whining at the loss of your lips on his. "Sorry, I just don't want to hold everybody else up, Eds. But tonight we'll have our time." You reassure him, placing your hand on his arm as you take another drag.

"I'll be sure to hold you that, dollface." He says darkly. A shiver runs along your spine at his words.

You look up at him through your eyelashes, exhaling the smoke in rings. "You can hold me to anything you want, Munson." You tease him, running your hand over the front of his jeans. He gasps, grabbing your wrist.

"Keep playing with fire, princess. You'll pay the price later." He bites your neck, and you moan loudly. He lets you out of his grip, and continues smoking. You lean next to him, putting your head on his shoulder. His head lays over yours, and you finish your cigarettes in silence. The only thoughts inside your heads are of what you plan to do to each other later. You flick your spent butts away, and turn to each other for a moment. You're both smiling widely, gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. Eddie kisses you one last time, slyly pinching your ass. You yelp, smacking his chest. He breaks away, chuckling. "Sorry, babe. I just can't help myself. Let's get back inside, I'll round up the rugrats. And you need to take care of your injuries, 'kay?" He smiles kindly at you.

You roll your eyes at him getting on you about changing some silly bandages. "Yes, Eds. I'll meet you back at the table. Save me a seat, huh?" You turn away to go inside.

"Best seat in the house, princess!" He calls after you, making you laugh. He's always such a joker. You slowly realize you're definitely falling hard for him. You've never felt this way about anyone before. When you're with Eddie, everything feels right.

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