Chapter Thirty-Three: Shake the Disease

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A/N: hey everyone! I hope you enjoy this new chapter. It's got highs and lows, mostly highs. It's also a bit longer than most chapters of this story, but I couldn't bear to cut anything. It all feels like it belongs, all 10.5k words of it! I can't wait to see what you all think, it's gotta be one of my favorite chapters so far.

Description: You and Eddie go to karaoke night at the Hideaway with Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan. There's talk of unwelcome coworkers, past and future relationships, and a few awkward moments during this night out. But in the end, it's one of the best experiences you've ever had...

Warnings: swearing, mentions of sexual harassment, light smut/teasing, alcohol use, light angst, anxiety, stage-fright

Chapter Thirty-Three: Shake the Disease

The rest of Tommy's first week at The Hawk goes as well as one can expect. He's thankfully paired with Jamie every day to spare you and Eddie from having to deal with him directly. Although you pity Jamie for having to put up with his shitty attitude and careless behavior. Despite Mr. Biggs doing everything in his power to keep Tommy away from you, the jerk has still managed to find plenty of ways to get on your nerves. He makes little comments to you in passing, perpetually smirking through it all. He takes every opportunity to brush his shoulder against yours, or put his hands on your waist to move you out of his way. He also calls you little pet names, like 'sweet thing' and 'babygirl'. It's seriously nauseating, but you don't even bother to respond.

Eddie has offered to kick his ass for you multiple times, but you just tell him it's fine. Tommy's an idiot, and there's no way you're putting your jobs at risk over petty bullshit. If it comes down to it, you'll handle Tommy yourself. But you figure that the best course of action is to ignore him, give no reaction to his 'advances', if you can even call them that. He'll get bored soon enough, and inevitably move on to hitting on young female patrons instead. He'll need to get his dick wet sometime, and he's obviously not going to wait around for you forever. You're sure of it.

Tonight, though, is a pretty special night. You're going to Saturday karaoke at the Hideaway with your friends. It's kind of a 'triple-date', if you will. You and Eddie, obviously, Robin and Steve (platonically), and Nancy is tagging along with Jonathan who's come to town for a couple of weeks. You're very excited to spend some time with people your own age, you don't really get to do this very often. Most of Hellfire is Dustin's age or younger, and it's kind of a mixed bag at the theater. And beyond that, you've got...your mother. You don't have anything against these particular groups or individuals, but you aren't necessarily going to make them your drinking buddies either.

"C'mon, angel. We're running late." Eddie says from behind you, watching as you're tediously applying mascara in your bedroom mirror.

"Since when do you care about punctuality, Eds?" You ask with a laugh, putting the mascara wand back into its tube. You drop it into the little bowl on your vanity, using your hands to fluff up your hair a little bit. You've put in some extra effort into your appearance tonight. As it's already been said, you don't get out much. You inspect yourself closely in your reflection, checking for any imperfections. Your makeup is flawless, not a hair out of place. You smooth down your black leather miniskirt, and adjust your breasts through the Iron Maiden t-shirt you stole from Eddie's closet. You've got it pulled tight against your torso, having tied off the slack into a simple knot at your side.

"Oh, I definitely don't. But you do." He replies with a smirk, getting off your bed to wrap his arms around your waist. Your hands go to rest over his, and you smile at one another in the mirror. "You're absolutely gorgeous tonight, by the way. My favorite shirt has never looked better." He says lowly, planting a featherlight kiss on your neck.

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