Chapter Ten: Hysteria

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A/N: Hey all, just wanted to say I know the story has been very much on the moody/angsty side. I'm doing my best to lighten it up for a while I promise! But I appreciate all the love you guys have been giving to the story!

Description: Eddie comforts you after a bad dream, then takes you to school. You can't resist making moves on him, and your thoughts are plagued by his presence in class. Once he picks you up, things heat up and push your relationship to the next level...

Warnings: Swearing, smut, praise/degradation, fingering, squirting, public sex, unprotected sex, anxiety, mentions of blood/gun violence/domestic violence, crying, smoking

Chapter Ten: Hysteria

You're standing outside Chrissy and Jason's house, Eddie's van is in the driveway. There's loud shouting and crashing sounds inside. You run to the door, trying to see if it's locked. It swings open in your grasp as you turn the knob, causing you to fall into the kitchen. There's a bloody scene before you. Dishes smashed all over the floor, chairs knocked onto their sides, drips of blood lead a trail into the livingroom. You stand apprehensively, creeping your way to the source of the yelling.

"How dare you be in my house, selling drugs to my wife! Were you trying to fuck her too? She's mine, freak! I'll fucking kill you!" You poke your head around the corner, gasping at the sight before you. Chrissy is sobbing in the corner of the room, her left eye swollen shut. Her lip is busted and she's covered in dark bruises. Jason is gripping Eddie by his shirt collar, wailing on him like nobody's business. His nose is gushing blood, and he's trying to fight Jason off.

"Please let him go!" You scream, running to try to pull Jason off of Eddie. He turns to you, his eyes blazing in blind fury.

"What are you gonna do about it, metalmouth?" He sneers, easily pushing you away. You land on your ass, and Jason returns to beating Eddie into a pulp. You see a ceramic statue of a Roman warrior on the table next to you, and you quickly grab it. You grip it with both hands, running up behind Jason. You smash the statue over his head, and he screams. Eddie falls from his grip, and Jason clutches his bleeding head.

"We have to get out of here, come on." You grab Chrissy's hand, pulling her off the couch to run away. Eddie joins you, taking your other hand.

"You're not going anywhere!" Jason stands, turning to face you. You all make the mistake of hesitating to look at him. He's holding a gun, aiming it at your chest. "Chrissy belongs to ME! She's staying here, so let her go or I'll shoot!"

"Jason, please! Don't hurt them, I- I'll stay with you." Chrissy begs, freeing herself from your grasp to run to Jason's side. Your heart sinks, you don't want to leave her here.

"See? She wants to be with me, so get the fuck out of my house!" He chuckles darkly, still aiming the gun at you.

You refuse to continue to let Chrissy get hurt, standing your ground. "We're not leaving her with you, asshole!" You're about to step forward, but Jason fires the gun at you.

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