Lovely Readers, Please Respond: Requests, Comments, Questions!

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Hey, everybody! As you know, we're coming to the end of this story you all love so much. Eight more chapters, can you believe it! I'm so excited to finish this project, although it will be a little sad to let these characters go. But it's definitely time, and I'm ready to bring it to a close.

Now, I do have the chapters mapped out for the most part. But I want to hear from you all to see if there's anything I could squeeze in. Any specific moments you're looking for? Or types of smut even? Fluff? Anything, really. I probably have most of the bases covered, but I'll say at least it is the end to the drama. Only happy times from here on out! They've earned it, don't you think?

So please, let me hear your thoughts. I highly value your opinions. Nothing is necessarily too big or too small. Are there characters you want to see again that maybe haven't shown up as much lately? Types of interactions? You're the ones who have kept this project alive for me. Without you, I probably would've given up at chapter ten!

-hippie ❤️

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