Chapter Twenty-Four: Fire and Ice

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Description: You and Eddie share an intimate evening after your first day of the post-graduation campaign. You end up at the trailer for the night, and there's an unexpected caller the following morning...

Warnings: swearing, smut, masturbation, oral sex, restraints, praise/degradation, choking, unprotected sex, squirting, consecutive orgasms, overstimulation, crying, angst, mentions of drug and alcohol use, mentions of blood and violence, mentions of abuse, mentions of incarceration

Chapter Twenty-Four: Fire and Ice

"You did so good tonight, baby." Eddie coos as the first day of your first game concludes. It truly was exhilarating, and you've caught on pretty quickly. You defeated some smaller enemies, successfully assisted your fellow players, and eight hours later you feel thoroughly accomplished in proving yourself to the group.

"Thanks, you've certainly made it a very pleasant experience, Eds." You're sitting in his lap again, migrating from your own chair while the kiddos get ready for bed. There's sleeping bags everywhere on the floor, and a couple of the children plan to share the couch down here. You and Eddie wait for your turn to brush your teeth, before heading outside to the van for the evening. The night is still and warm, the two of you holding hands in the moonlight as you approach the van. Eddie opens the back doors, and you climb in hastily, slamming the doors shut behind you. You fling your bags to the opposite end, and he immediately pins you to the blankets below.

"Now I finally get you all to myself. I've been thinking about this all day." Eddie says lowly, latching onto your neck to suck and lick your flesh. You've been building anticipation for your first official fuck of the summer from the moment you woke up this morning. Teasing and playing around, touching each other as covertly as possible at any given moment. All of that, along with lustful glances and the biting of lips, has revved the both of you up beyond belief.

"Oh, I know. It was all part of the plan." You let out a breathy laugh, your arousal spreading quickly as he lays over you. His hands clasp yours, entwining your fingers. His knee goes between your legs, rubbing your core with just barely enough friction. It's heating up quickly in here, the windows already beginning to fog. "Fuck, Eddie." You moan as he bites down harshly on your throat.

"All in good time, sweetheart." He chuckles darkly, dragging the flat of his tongue along the bite to soothe your bruising skin. He lets your hands free for a moment, quickly yanking at the hem of your shirt to pull it over your head. You sit up so he can remove it, tossing it off to the side. You take this opportunity to make an attack of your own. You grab his shoulders and flip the two of you over so you're on top. "Damn, someone's excited." Eddie quips, admiring how your tits bounce in your bra. He reaches up, manhandling your breasts while you smile down at him.

"Well, the game was pretty stimulating." You roll your hips, grinding against his hardening cock to emphasize your final word. Low moans escape both of you, and you love how intoxicating it is to have the control. Eddie lets you hold onto the reigns, he's honestly a bit tired from leading the campaign all day.

"I'm glad to hear it, sweetheart. I'd hate to bore you." He reaches behind your back, unclasping your bra with ease. The straps flop down your arms, and you pull the garment away to fully reveal your tits to him. His eyes boggle like they always do, drinking in your beautiful torso as your nipples harden.

"You could never bore me, darling. You're a phenomenal...what's the term? Dungeon Master?" You speak in a salacious tone, grinding yourself on his concealed, aching length once more. Eddie groans at the sinful way the words leave your lips. "Ooh, you like it when I call you that?" You bite your lip playfully, and he just nods. You're driving him crazier than usual tonight.

Into the Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now