Chapter Forty: Cruel Summer

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Description: You continue to comfort Eddie after reading his father's letter. You assist him in making dinner, and he takes you home. He stays for a little while to visit with Arwen and give you the massage you asked for. The night seems to be going according to plan, until a certain someone makes their continued unwelcome presence known...

Warnings: swearing, smut, mentions of death, crying, fingering, oral sex, masturbation, praise/degradation, biting, squirting, blood/violence, invasion of privacy, humiliation

Chapter Forty: Cruel Summer

"Hey, Ed, where did my pills get off to?" Wayne asks, forgetting to knock and waltzing right into his nephew's room. He finds the two of you sitting on his bed, with Eddie crying into your shoulder. "What's wrong?" He asks, wondering if he's the cause of Eddie's sadness. That is, until he notices an unfamiliar package on the dresser. He sees the stamp, immediately understanding what's going on. "When did that get here?"

"Last night. And there were letters inside, there's one for you, too." You explain softly, nudging your head over to the white envelope beside the box.

"Oh, I see. I take it he read his just now?" Wayne questions, going over to the dresser to retrieve his letter. You just nod when he looks to you again. "How long were you plannin' on hidin' this from me?" He continues, though there's no anger in his voice, or disappointment. He understands why Eddie would conceal something like this, at least while his diagnosis is still so new.

"Not long. We just didn't want to upset you." Eddie pipes up, though his words are muffled against your shirt.

"I know, Ed. It's alright. Did he say what we're s'posed to do with the ashes?" Wayne keeps up with the questions, peeking under the bubble wrap to see the large bag of grey-white powder.

"No. Maybe he says so in your letter, Wayne." You point out, stroking Eddie's hair to soothe him.

"Maybe." Wayne replies flatly, glancing down at the envelope again. He clears his throat, suddenly wondering what the hell was in Wilfred's letter that has made Eddie so upset. "Where's yours?" You point at the nightstand, and he quickly picks it up. He's ready to get angry, to tear the damn thing to pieces if there's a single fuckin' insult to be found. But he doesn't find one, much to his surprise. All he finds are sincere apologies and remorse, which oddly feels worse. Heat builds behind his eyes as he reads the letter, and he carefully sets it back down on the little table once he's finished. "C'mere, Ed." Wayne says, drawing his nephew's tear-stained face to him. He opens his arms a little, signaling for Eddie to hug him. He lets go of you, and practically jumps into Wayne's arms. He struggles to stand upright, his arms holding onto his uncle like his life depends on it.

Wayne's eyes close, a few droplets squeezing out of his ducts, rolling hotly down his cheeks. He holds Eddie tightly to him, the display of which makes your heart swell. "I love you, Wayne." Eddie blubbers.

"I love you too, son." You've never heard Wayne refer to Eddie this way before. But judging by Eddie's grip on him tightening even more, you can see that's all he's ever wanted to hear from the man. Regardless of biology, or existing parental figures (deceased or otherwise), these two are as close as you can get to the definition of 'father and son'. After a couple minutes of Eddie's arms squishing him like a boa constrictor, Wayne needs the ability to breathe. "Okay, kid. That's enough now. I'd say it's almost supper time." He pats Eddie on the back, and the two of them separate now. They both wipe their eyes, taking deep breaths in sync.

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