Chapter Sixty-Three: Crazy on You

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Description: You and Eddie spend some quality time together on your honeymoon. Things get really hot, really fast...

Warnings: swearing, smut, fluff, fingering, unprotected sex, rough sex, praise/degradation, choking, role swapping, squirting, overstimulation, orgasm denial/delay, marital bliss

Chapter Sixty-Three: Crazy on You

The morning after your wedding, sunlight pours through the window as the clock ticks past 10am. You roll over in your tangled sheets, covering your face with the blanket to block out the brightness. You felt Eddie leave the bed a little bit ago, only half-asleep as he stirred and went to take a piss. You'd drifted off again, expecting him to come back. But the noticeable lack of weight and heat in the bed tells you he's not by your side, possibly tending to the cat.

You flap your bedding cocoon open, sitting up against the headboard. Arwen is curled up in Eddie's vacant spot, and the bedroom door is closed. You wonder what he's up to. "Eddie?" You call out as you rub your eyes, blinking a few times afterwards. A couple moments later, you hear casual footsteps descending down the hall towards you, and the door handle jiggles open. Eddie comes walking into the room with a tray of French toast, bacon, and eggs in his hands.

"Mornin', babydoll. I figured you'd appreciate some breakfast in bed." Eddie says sweetly, bringing the tray over to you. You sit up straighter, your bare tits slipping out from under the covers.

"When would I not, love?" You reply with a giggle, very excited to eat. He sets the food in your lap, and it's when you see his completely bare arms that you notice something. He's naked, wearing only the apron you gave him on your six-month anniversary. "A-Are you not having any?" You ask, swallowing hard at the thought of him cooking in the nude. His tattoos on display, his muscles flexing, and his perfect ass showing all its glory to the world.

"Nah, I already ate. This is just for you." He insists, smirking at you noticing he's not wearing any clothes. "And then, you get to have me for dessert." He adds, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

"Well, I've always had quite the sweet tooth." You chuckle playfully. While you eat, Eddie takes it upon himself to massage your feet. He grabs hold of the left one, resting your leg over his apron-clothed lap. His thick thumbs rub the sole of your foot with firm, yet tender pressure. You can't help moaning as he works the muscle there, swallowing hard to get a bite of food down your throat.

"Good?" He asks, grinning ear to ear. He knows damn well how strongly his magic fingers affect you, using them to his advantage.

"Yes, love. Your hands are amazing, you know that." You let out a blissful sigh, the tissue in your foot loosening up nicely. 

"I sure do. But, I also like knowing you're enjoying yourself, angel." He replies, finishing up on the ball of your foot before switching to the other. You continue to eat your breakfast, feeling serene as Eddie soothes your aches and pains. You spent a lot of time on your feet yesterday, thank Christ you didn't wear heels. You didn't even complain to him about it, but you suppose he's always been tuned in to your needs. Even when you try to ignore them, assuming they aren't a big deal. "There. All better." He says as he finishes his massage.

"Mm, much." You nod in agreement, stretching your toes apart, your tendons and joints flexing much more comfortably now. "Thank you, baby." You smile at him, immensely grateful that you've found a man as wonderful as he is.

"Anything for my beautiful wife." Eddie chuckles, getting up from the bed to take your empty tray. He leans down to give you a warm kiss, before turning away with your dirty dishes in hand. "Be right back, honey." He says as he walks out of the room, his ass now visible to you.

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