Chapter Thirty-One: Hooked on a Feeling

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Description: You, Eddie, and Wayne spend some time at a bar to decompress. You play some pool, have a few drinks, and meet some of the locals. After returning to the hotel, you and Eddie sneak off to have a splash on your own...

Warnings: swearing, smut, tobacco/alcohol use, mentions of death/miscarriage, mentions of war, crying, teasing, dirty talk, groping, slight breaking-and-entering, unprotected sex, sex in a swimming pool, semi-public sex, sex slightly under the influence, praise/degradation, role-swapping, rough sex

Chapter Thirty-One: Hooked on a Feeling

Wayne drives the three of you around, looking for a local watering hole to toss back a couple drinks after your ordeal. He makes a few turns, and you keep your eyes peeled for any bar or pub you can find. "How about this one? Looks like they serve food, too." You point out a shabby little building at the end of the block you've been riding down. A faded sign sits on the side of the building facing you, '4-Stop Bar & Grill' in bold letters with a crumbling picture of a burger next to it. It doesn't look like much, but you'll take anything you can get at this point.

"Good enough for me." Wayne smiles, pulling over to park parallel to the building. Brown-painted wood paneling goes halfway up the boxy structure, the other half covered with cracked plastic siding. The front door has three little square windows on the top, middle, and bottom of it, giving you ample glimpses of the activities inside. There's quite a few people in there, some playing pool, others leaning on the bartop, and a rather wasted couple making out against the jukebox. The age range is a bit on the older side, and nearly everyone has a cigarette in their hand. This will be the first time you've actually gone to a bar, you haven't been 'legal' all that long and you've never been one to want to go out drinking. But this afternoon certainly calls for it, requires it, even.

You hop out of the truck, walking with the two men to go up the short steps and enter the bar. You're immediately hit with a thick blanket of smoke, and the stench of beer and whiskey. The jukebox blares Def Leppard into your ears, and you get a few odd looks from the locals. Eddie finds a small table in the corner, just big enough for the three of you. "What do you want to drink, sweetheart?" He asks as you sit down, gesturing at the bar.

"Um...I'm not really sure. I've never really done this before." You say bashfully, feeling a few pairs of judging eyes on you from the other patrons.

"That's okay, I'll bring you something good." He gives you a kind smile, trying to assure you that you don't need to be self-conscious. "Wayne?" He looks to his uncle.

"Beer, please. I don't care what kind, s'long as it's in a bottle." Wayne replies, and Eddie nods and heads over to the counter. "You holdin' up alright? Things got pretty intense back there." Wayne speaks to you, shouting over the music.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was more worried about you and Eddie. Are you alright? I know that wasn't easy for you." You reply, resting your hands on the sticky table nervously. You hope Wayne isn't upset with Eddie, or Wilfred. The whole thing was kind of a mess, and you're sure he wanted to have a real goodbye.

"Well, it went 'bout as good as I thought it would. I wish it went better, of course. But at least it's clear to us all now that Wilfred ain't worth the last bit of breath he has. Ain't much to be done about it now, 'cept wait for his ashes to come in the mail." Wayne speaks calmly, if not with a tinge of regret. He supposes he could've saved everyone the trouble and told his brother to go fuck himself. But the man sounded so sad on the phone, like he was genuinely sorry for the pain he had caused. Wilfred played him like a fiddle, and Wayne will never forgive him for that.

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