Chapter Eight: Y/N Henderson's Day Off

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Description: You wake up late for classes, and Eddie convinces you to call in sick. You go with him on his drug deals of the day, and you end up having your first fight...

Warnings: Swearing, sexual references, drug references, angst, arguing, mentions of domestic violence, crying

Chapter Eight: Y/N Henderson's Day Off

"Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck! Oh, FUCK!" Eddie's hears you shouting frantically. His eyes pry themselves open, squinting to see what you're up to. You're putting your clothes on in a panic, clumsily rubbing deodorant on and brushing your hair harshly. Eddie glances at the clock, it reads 10:08am. Shit. He thinks to himself.

"Shit, I forgot to set an alarm. I'm sorry, baby." Eddie says sleepily, sitting up in bed to look at you.

"No, I should've made sure you did. Fuck, I'm so fucking late. Mom's gonna have a cow." You shove your extra belongings into your bag, running to the bathroom to brush your teeth. Eddie slips on some jeans, following behind you. He finds you gripping the sink nervously as you brush your teeth, meeting your eyes in the mirror. "Would you mind getting dressed, please? We have to go like right now." You practically bark at him with the toothbrush in your mouth.

He places his hands on your shoulders, rubbing them with care. He looks at you in the reflection, smiling warmly. "Y/N, you need to relax. It's one day. You're already late, there's no changing that. So just take your time, 'kay? Or...if you want we can call you in sick and you can spend the day with me." Eddie smirks, tempting you with playing hooky.

"I really shouldn't, Eds. Don't you also have things to do today?" You question, spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing your brush.

"Well, yeah. Just a couple deals and picking up your bike. No work today though, we could also watch the other vidoes I rented." He pulls your hair to the side, gingerly kissing your neck.

"Eddie, you know I love spending time with you. But I'm worried if I skip once for you, it might become a bad habit." You turn to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "It's hard enough to say no to you as it is. If you offer things like that all the time, it'll become impossible." You can't help being a bit scared of Eddie's idea, you'd always been told that skipping school was one of the worst things you could do. He's already got such a hold on you, it feels like your disobeying him.

"Sweetheart, I'm not going to derail your future with one fake sick day. I promise you, I'm not going to make this a habit. I wouldn't do that, because I know school is important to you. You know, I may be the town degenerate, but do you really think I want to drag you down with me?" Eddie looks into your eyes meaningfully, driving home the fact that he cares about you and wouldn't jeopardize your grades just to spend time with you.

"I guess that's not a very kind thing for me to think, is it?" You look down, feeling silly about the whole thing. What's one day, really? Sure, you'd have make-up work to do, but that's easy. "Alright, I'll call in. But only this one time, I mean it!" You point a stern finger in his face, before going to the telephone. He playfully tries to bite it, but you snatch it away. You quickly dial the college front desk, trying your best to sound sick as you tell them you won't be in today. You're struck by a pang of guilt, Mom would hate that you're doing this. And you don't like being dishonest, but Eddie insists it won't kill you. You can always trust him, right?

"All set?" Eddie asks as you put the phone back on the hook. You just nod, conflicted about your feelings. He sighs. "It'll be fine, darling. I promise. Now, how about I cook you some breakfast? I make some killer French toast." He offers, gesturing at the kitchen.

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