Chapter Thirty-Six: I Won't Back Down

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Description: You and Eddie return to work, and you jump right in to your new position. Mr. Biggs shows you the ins and outs, after a rather satisfying confrontation with an unwanted guest. Becoming a supervisor a lot to take in, and you have to juggle your new tasks with your struggle to work through your trauma. Eddie does his best to help you, despite his own frustration caused by your stubborn nature...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, rough/angry sex, semi-public sex, squirting, anxiety, trauma, mentions of sexual assault/harassment, angst, crying

Chapter Thirty-Six: I Won't Back Down

"You ready, sweetheart?" Eddie asks on Thursday morning. You've been sitting together in his van for the last fifteen minutes, delaying the inevitable. You stare uneasily at the theater from across the street. It stares back at you unthreateningly, the lights in the sign and overhang shining like dozens of friendly, yellow eyes. There's nothing to be afraid of, Y/N. Tommy won't be in here anymore, you imagine the Hawk saying to you. It speaks in a sweet, feminine voice, trying its best to put you at ease. As nice as that sentiment is, this feels like a trap. "Hello? Earth to Y/N. You ready to go?" Eddie questions you again, waving a hand in front of your face.

"Hmm?" You snap out of it, looking to Eddie with a stunted smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go."

"We don't have to do this if you aren't ready, princess. What you went through was really shitty, and everyone would understand if you need more time-" He repeats the same spiel he's been relaying to you all morning. When you woke up, at breakfast, in the shower, getting dressed. You've had the honor of witnessing this trauma infomercial for the fifth time now.

"I'm fine, Eds!" You cut him off in annoyance. Eddie shuts his mouth tight in response, shrinking back into his seat. You sigh, giving him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. I just don't need to hear the routine again, okay? I promise I can do this, and I'm going to be fine." You insist as calmly as you can. You appreciate Eddie's concern, truly. But you can't keep hiding away, you have a new job to get to. You refuse to stop living because one asshole decided to try and take advantage of you.

"Okay." He nods, realizing he's been a little pushy today. Of course he wants you to be able to move on with your life. But he worries that you're throwing yourself into work to avoid actually experiencing your emotions. You haven't talked much about what happened since Monday. You've burst into tears a couple times, totally unprompted. And he knows all the details of what took place. But what he doesn't know, is how all of it makes you feel. He supposes if the roles were reversed, he wouldn't be so keen on talking about it either. Even with you. He decides to give you space on the subject, and let you deal with it your own way. You're a grown woman, and you don't need to be coddled. "C'mon, boss. I'm sure Mr. Biggs has plenty of work for you today." He allows a small smile to creep across his lips, and you both hop out of the van to head inside.

You take hold of his hand, and walk into the Hawk for the first time since you passed out. Mr. Biggs is waiting by concessions to greet you, and you notice a perfectly pressed red button-up sitting on the counter. "Ah, Y/N! It's so good to see you. How are you feeling?" The old man says as you approach him.

"I'm doing good, and I'm ready to take on whatever you've got for me." You reply happily, turning up your internal dial. Forcing yourself to ignore the gnawing fear inside you. The second you walked in here, the hair on the back of your neck stood up on end. Goosebumps rose upon your skin, giving you a chill. The feeling passed once Biggs started talking, but your heart has yet to get the memo. You really hope you don't have a panic attack today, you're sure you've got too much work ahead of you. Plus, it could potentially tell your boss that you aren't ready for this much responsibility. And you can't have that. You need this promotion, you need that raise. For you, for Eddie, for your future. No amount of fear or anxiety is going to stand in your way. Not if you have anything to say about it.

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