Chapter Forty-One: I Want You to Rock Me

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Description: It's Eddie's birthday, and you two take a very special trip to see Ozzy Osbourne in concert. It's a total surprise for him, and the show itself is absolutely amazing. This gift, along with the following stay at a hotel afterwards, deepens Eddie's love for you more than you anticipate...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, alcohol use, mentions of smut, teasing, fluff

Chapter Forty-One: I Want You to Rock Me

"Where are we going, angel?" Eddie asks for the fifth time in the last hour or so. He's sitting in the passenger seat of your car, while you drive him the three hours to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Today, July 21st, is Eddie's twenty-fourth birthday, and you have the perfect surprise planned.

"You'll see, Eds. Just please be patient? It'll be more than worth the wait." You reply, trying your hardest not to break down and tell him already. You've been sitting on this secret for over a month, you're shocked that Eddie never picked up on it whatsoever. But you suppose that could be because he's been ranting and raving about this for God knows how long. Ozzy Osbourne is performing at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum for his No Rest For the Wicked Tour tonight, as Eddie has told you at least a thousand times. But as much as he's been wanting to go, he's denied himself, claiming it's too expensive and too far away. You hated seeing him so down about it, so you did what any good girlfriend would do. You went to your local record store, and made damn sure you could score two tickets to the show.

It was much easier than you anticipated to get said tickets, which was quite a relief. With how much Eddie has talked the show up, you'd been worried that they'd sell out fast. You're eternally grateful for the raise you've received at the theater, otherwise they may have been a bit out of your price range. Thirty-three bucks later, and you know the look on Eddie's face will be worth every penny.

"Ugh, fine. I only hope you're not driving me to the middle of nowhere to kill me." Eddie jokes, sulking into his seat. He's finding himself rather bored, and he didn't expect to be riding in the car for hours on end on his birthday.

"Never, love. Now, quit pouting. I brought your favorite snacks, in that bag back there." You say sweetly, pointing to a plastic bag containing Yoo-Hoos and Cheetos.

"I suppose that makes things a little bit better." He grumbles, pulling the items to the front of the car. "Can I at least get a hint?" He begs, popping open a glass bottle of chocolate milk.

"Alright. It is your birthday, after all. All I'll say is that you've been wanting this for a very long time." You say, knowing this hint may be a bit on the nose.

"That doesn't narrow it down, like, at all, Y/N." He says in annoyance, taking a big swig of his drink.

"Sorry, that's all I'm giving you. If I actually tell you, you're gonna be way too hyper in the car." You giggle, recalling the excitable tone of voice and erratic movements of his hands as he's brought up the concert again and again. "And, as much as I love you, I cannot be trapped in such a small space with you flipping out."

"How do you know I'm gonna flip out?" He asks accusingly, munching down some chips now.

You think of a response for a moment, trying to come up with something clever. But nothing comes to mind. Instead, you opt for the slightly seductive approach. "Trust me, Eddie. When you see what I've got planned, you are gonna lose your fuckin' mind." You speak softly, a light rasp in your voice as you look over at him. He swallows hard, before backing down from his interrogation.

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