Chapter Twenty-Three: Changes

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Description: Dustin and the other kids graduate, kicking off what is bound to be a kickass summer. All the kids and young adults gather at the Wheeler house for a party before the D&D campaign. There's many unexpected moments, and strategic steps are made towards you and Eddie having a future together...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, alcohol use, mentions of vomit, teasing/light smut mentions, anxiety, light crying, talks of commitment, fluff on fluff on fluff

Chapter Twenty-Three: Changes

A week has gone by since the funeral, and you're getting ready to attend Dustin's graduation. April 21st, 1989, and the Henderson kids are all grown up. "Quit fidgeting, Dusty." You scold your brother as you help him adjust his cap and gown. The ensemble is a forest green, with a bright orange tassle to represent the Hawkins High colors.

"Sorry, it's just the tag in the back is really itchy." He reaches behind at it, trying to smooth it down. His face is fixed in an annoyed scrunch. Eddie walks up behind him with some scissors, snipping the offending slip of fabric away.

"There ya go, big guy. Better?" Eddie asks, tossing the tag away and returning the shears to the kitchen drawer.

"Yeah, thanks, dude." He replies, letting out a sigh of relief.

"You ready to join the real world like the rest of us?" You ask jokingly, drawing light laughs from everyone in the livingroom. Mom comes down the hall with the camera, snapping a photo of Dustin once you finish getting him straightened out.

"Oh, Dusty! I can't believe you're graduating today! I swear, just yesterday you were a teeny little baby in my arms!" Mom says, joyful tears pooling in her eyes.

"Ugh, Mom!" Dustin cringes in embarrassment, and you and Eddie snicker at his expense.

"Relax, kid. I had to hear same thing back in '86, I think you can handle it." You move over to stand with Eddie, gazing up at his handsome face. His eye is perfectly fine now, and the nose cast came off a few days ago with very little bruising. The second that little bit of plaster was removed, he spent the rest of the day ravaging you like a starving animal. He really meant what he said when he wanted to 'pay you back' for everything you gave him while his mouth was out of service. His knuckles still have small bandaids on them, but he's able to wear his signature rings again.

As for you, your stitches were removed with minimal scarring. To fix your chopped up locks, you went to the hairdresser to get a new look. Your hair sits at a cute bob just below your ears now, and it goes without saying that Eddie absolutely loves it. Hell, he'd love you even if you completely shaved your head. You think it's quite cute too, you never knew short hair and bangs could suit you so well. You'll miss having long hair for a while, but you'd be lying if the change hasn't given you a confidence boost. It's very Molly Ringwald, and who doesn't want to live out their Breakfast Club fantasy? It's perfect when you think about it. You're the 'princess', and Eddie is your handsome 'criminal'. There's a reason your generation considers John Hughes to be a cinematic genius.

"Oh, we gotta get going, kiddos!" Mom exclaims, tapping her watch. She excitedly ushers you three out the door and into the bright morning sun. You and Eddie climb into his van, and Dustin is riding with Mom to the ceremony. Afterwards though, you and the rest of the Hellfire Club are staying at the Wheeler house for the weekend to play Eddie's new campaign. You finally get to play your first game, and you sincerely hope you don't suck at it. Eddie has assured you that everyone will help you out, and that you won't look dumb if you're unsure of something.

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