Chapter Twenty-Six: Working Girl

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Description: After Eddie heads out for work, you clean up the trailer and find something interesting in Eddie's room. Once he returns, you confront him about what you find, along with the promise you made to his uncle. One conversation goes very well, and the other ends in yelling and tears. On a happier note, Eddie manages to get you a job, which you start exactly one week later. It's a whole new world for you, and only time will tell if you can last in such an odd environment...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, teasing, groping, light smut, unprotected sex, oral sex, jealousy, mentions of adult material, arguing, crying, mentions of violence, light angst, fluff

Chapter Twenty-Six: Working Girl

Eddie's alarm clock blares loudly in the room on Monday morning, yanking you out of your blissful slumber at 8:30AM. You smack around his bedside table lazily, not bothering to look at what you're doing. You eventually locate the offending object, snoozing it into submission. "Mmm." You groan, turning over in bed to nuzzle into Eddie's chest. He stirs slightly, pulling you closer with his arms.

"Morning, sweetheart." Eddie says, his voice drenched in sleep. His eyes flutter open, finding you burrowed between him and the blanket.

"No...more sleep." You grumble against his skin, wrapping your arms around his torso and not planning to let go anytime soon.

"Princess, we gotta get up. I'll make you breakfast, and we can have a little fun in the shower if you want. But I have to go to work sometime today." He speaks soothingly, tempting you with food and sex, which he knows are your weaknesses.

"Okaaaaaay. Just give me a kiss first?" You ask, peeking out of your cozy little hole to look at him.

"Of course, baby." He chuckles, softly bringing his lips to yours. You melt into the kiss, allowing him to maneuver around your lethargic body to get out of bed.

"No fair, you tricked me." You pout, sitting up as he pulls on some pajama bottoms. He doesn't reply at first, tossing you one of his shirts and some panties from your bag.

"Oh, hush now, sleepyhead. We made an agreement." Eddie says in a sing-song voice. You nod with a sigh, pulling the shirt over your head. It goes almost to your knees, sure to keep you covered enough to eat in the kitchen with Wayne around. You put on your underwear, and stand up to go to the bathroom. "I'll meet you in the kitchen, doll." Eddie says from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Okay." You reply, rubbing your face with your hands as you try to wake up fully. You finish relieving yourself and splash some cold water on your face at the sink. The frigidness sends a welcome shock to your senses, and you dry off with the towel hanging beside the sink. You go down the hall, finding Wayne at the table and Eddie at the stove. A flash of your nightmare fills your mind for a moment, but you shake it away to take your own seat while Eddie cooks for you.

"Mornin', Y/N. How'd you sleep?" Wayne asks, a concerned look on his face.

"Much better, once Eddie calmed me down." You reply, leaving out the precise way your boyfriend did so.

"Good, I was real worried 'bout ya for a minute there." He extends his hand across the table, patting your arm lightly. His eyes seem to ask if you've brought up what you talked about to Eddie, and you shake your head 'no'. He nods, deciding to keep his trap shut for the time being.

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