Epilogue: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

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Warnings: swearing, mentions of smut, fluff, happy endings for everyone!

Epilogue: Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now

Two years later, in the fall of 1992...

"You ready for you first day, love?" Eddie asks from the kitchen. He's packing lunches for the two of you, which consists of sandwiches, apples, and homemade cookies.

"Almost, I can't seem to find my special bag." You call to him, sounding rather frustrated as you search the apartment. Mom bought you a gorgeous leather bag to carry your teaching materials in, with 'Mrs. Munson' etched onto the strap in elegant script. You've been looking forward to using it, now that you've gotten your license to teach and are finally taking over all Hawkins High science classes. It's officially the first day of the 1992-1993 school year, and you've misplaced the one thing that'll keep you from losing your head today. 

"Hold on, I'll help ya find it." Eddie replies as he finishes up, closing the lunch boxes once everything is placed inside nicely. He brings them to the living room, finding you bent over the couch as you search behind it. If you weren't in such a hurry, he'd have a mind to smack that perfectly plump ass of yours. It's looking particularly slapable in the long denim skirt you're wearing today. He bites his lip as he holds himself off, calmly walking up to you to help you out. "Any luck?" He asks softly, putting a gentle hand on your back.

"Nope." You sigh, turning around and plopping onto the sofa. "I can't believe it. My first day, and I've already lost everything I need to go into work." You scoff at yourself, unable to feel like anything but a failure in this moment. You've been making yourself sick the last couple of weeks, stressing over every little thing. 'What if the kids don't like me?' 'What if the kids don't listen to me?' 'What if I make a fool of myself?' 'What if none of the other teachers take me seriously?' These are all the questions that have been swirling inside your mind, as well as verbalized to Eddie on countless occasions. All of which have earned endless reassurances that you can, and will, be a great teacher. But right now, that concept doesn't ring true for you at all.

"Y/N, I'm sure it's here somewhere." Eddie replies kindly, checking his watch. You still have a half-hour before you need to be at the school to set up. "We've got time. Lemme take a look, fresh eyes and all that." He says, leaving you sulking as he walks down the hall. He checks the bedroom, and the closet. Nada. He doubles back to the kitchen, even opening up the fridge in case your brain got scattered. Nope. Lastly, he checks the bathroom, where you spent a good hour smoothing down your clothes, fixing your hair, and making sure your makeup wasn't 'too whorish'. He finds your leather bag resting on the counter by the sink, he lets out a relieved breath and grins. He brings it back to you, though your head is currently resting shamefully in your hands. "Sweetheart?" He asks, prompting you to look up at him.

Your eyes meet his, before falling onto the blasted bag. "Where the hell was it?" You ask, sure you had checked everywhere, like, ten times. 

"Bathroom." He replies simply.

"Oh, figures. That's the last place I'd look." You giggle, taking the bag from him. "Thanks, baby. You always know how to keep me sane." You stand up, giving him a small peck. "We'd better get going, I wanna get there early." You say.

"Aren't you already getting there early?" Eddie asks, confused.

"For normal people, yes. But, I need to make sure everything is extra perfect." You say matter-of-factly, though you're absolutely beaming in the eyes. You're exceptionally anxious about today, but you're also happy to start your new career. You've found your passion, and worked so very hard to get where you are. 

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