Chapter Fifty-Seven: We Are Family

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Description: It's Thanksgiving Day at the Henderson household. You, Eddie, and Dustin help your mother prepare dinner. Angie and her kids are in attendance, as well as Wayne. Things go as planned, but not without some typical family dinner awkwardness. And the end of the night leaves Eddie feeling overwhelmed...

Warnings: swearing, smut, fluff, heavy kissing, groping, dirty talk, praise/degradation, spanking, mentions of sex toys, mentions of anal sex/pegging, light anxiety/overwhelmed feelings

Chapter Fifty-Seven: We Are Family

"Hey, sugarpuff! Happy Thanksgiving!" Mom says, pulling you into a tight hug as you and Eddie step through the front door of the house.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Mom." You strain, struggling to breathe in her grip.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Claudia. We brought the pie like you asked." Eddie pipes up, raising the pumpkin pie he baked early this morning in his hands.

"Oh, thank you! It looks amazing, Eddie. I really appreciate it. I've been so busy this week planning and shopping, and I'd forgotten to buy the damn pumpkin!" She says cheerfully, taking the pie from his grip and bringing it over to the kitchen.

"It's the least we could do, Mom. Do you need any help?" You ask, noticing all the pots and pans spread across the countertop, bowls of mixtures for various casseroles lined up next to the stove. She's been running herself ragged all day. Possibly last night, too.

"Oh, only if you want to." She says, feeling rather overwhelmed as she looks around the room. It's like her recipe box exploded in here.

"Of course, happy to help." Eddie replies with a smile as you both hang up your winter coats. He goes to the sink to wash his hands, already eye-balling the unprepared turkey sitting in a massive roasting pan directly beside him.

"Where's Dusty?" You ask, noticing your brother hasn't said come to greet you yet.

"Oh, he's in his room. Said he had lots of work to catch up on since he's been here almost a month." Mom sighs. Dustin's been locked away in his room for days on end, working on some sort of secret Caltech project. She was hoping to get some quality time with him, but has yet to receive any thus far.

"On Thanksgiving? While you slave away in the kitchen all day? I don't think so." You huff, storming off down the hall to Dustin's room. You firmly knock on his door, getting no answer. "Dustin! Get your ass out here!" You shout.

"Shit." Dustin mutters through the door, and you hear papers shuffling on his desk. He opens the door, stepping out into the hall. "Hey, Y/N. Happy Thanksgiving." He gives you a weak smile, attempting to quell the obvious anger on your face.

"Kitchen. Now. You're gonna help out." You order, pointing your finger towards the kitchen. He nods in shame, doing as you say without another word. You follow him back down the hallway. "I got him, Mom. Give him a job."

"Uh, can you peel the potatoes, Dusty?" Mom asks, lifting up the large bowl of them she'd just washed.

"Sure thing, Mom. Sorry." Dustin sighs, begrudgingly taking the bowl and the vegetable peeler to the dining table. He plunks down in a chair, giving you a glare before he begins. You flip him the bird while Mom isn't looking, a shit-eating grin on your face.

"Alright, what about me?" You ask. There looks to be about ten or twelve more things to do, you only hope there's time before Wayne and Angie and her kids show up.

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