Chapter Twenty-Two: Paint it Black

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Description: You take your last final exam, free and clear for the summer. Your father's funeral takes place, and you get to cut loose the pain and suffering that's tangled itself within you...

Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, funeral stuff, anxiety, lots of crying, marijuana use, light teasing/touching,

Chapter Twenty-Two: Paint it Black

"You ready, sweetheart?" Eddie asks as he buttons up the black dress shirt you packed for him. He tucks the tails into his dark jeans, looking you over once he's fully adjusted.

"Yeah." You say, finishing your light application of makeup. You tuck a loose strand of hair back into your simple updo, thankfully it covers your stitches without irritating them. You smooth your black dress down, tugging down the short sleeves to cover your shoulders properly.

"I know it's not a happy occasion, but you look absolutely gorgeous." He says through the reflection, his bruised eye is doing a lot better. He's just barely able to open it, and his lip has improved as well. You turn around to see him fully, walking across the room in your plain black heels.

"Thank you, Eddie. You look very handsome, too." You say quietly, setting his stiff collar straight. He's left the top two buttons open, keeping himself from feeling suffocated. Today is the day, George Henderson is being laid to rest at Roane Hill Cemetery.

You've decided to take Angie up on her offer, once she assured Jake and Polly will be somewhere else while you speak. You don't want them to hear what you intend to say, they're too young to understand what's going on anyways. Eddie helped you organize your thoughts, but he never told you anything you wanted to say was 'too much' or 'inappropriate'. He knows you have to do this your way, and he's done everything in his power to help you achieve that. "C'mon, angel. They're waiting for us outside." Eddie speaks gently, not wanting to send you into a fit of tears. You've had quite a few of those the last couple days, but he's held you through every single one in his warm embrace.

You grab your speech from the dresser, slipping it into your purse before Eddie leads you to the car. Mom and Dustin are already in their seats, also dressed in funeral attire. Eddie opens your door for you, and you slide in. He closes the door before jogging to the other side to get in. You click on your seatbelts, and Mom takes her time pulling out of the driveway. "Are you ready for this, sugarpuff? Angie said you can always change your mind." Mom says as her eyes flick to you in the rear view mirror.

"I'm ready, Mom. I need to do this...for me." You reply, reaching over for Eddie's hand. He glances at you, flashing a reassuring smile. You return it as best you can, holding back tears to preserve your makeup. You had a hell of a time earlier today during your last exam. You broke down multiple times. Your professor tried to convince you come back another day to finish, but you refused to give up so easily. You soldiered on, finishing before everyone else and promptly leaving the room. A small amount of weight lifted off your shoulders when you left the school. But there's still a fair bulk of it lingering. You really hope the eulogy will absolve you of the pain and anguish you've had festering inside you for far too long.

It doesn't take long to reach the cemetery. Angie's talking to the pastor by the grave site. She notices your car pulling up the road to park in the gravel lot, waving to get your attention. Everyone waves back, waiting for Mom to park before stepping out into the afternoon sunshine. The air feels thick, like a fog creeping in to consume you. But the sky is clear, bright and blue without a cloud in sight. You tell yourself it's just nerves, and that you'll feel better once you say what you need to.

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