Chapter Fifty-Two: Twilight Zone

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A/N: I know, another update in less than a week? Crazy! But I've been getting a lot more creative energy lately, and this particular part of the story has been marinating in my brain for a very long time. I'm gonna say sorry in advance, it hurt to write this, and it's gonna hurt to read it. Please don't hate me! -hippie

Description: You and Eddie host your housewarming party with Steve, Robin, Nancy, and Chrissy. It's all fun and games, until an unexpected incident rocks the foundation of your relationship to its core...

Warnings: swearing, alcohol use, mentions of smut, mentions of cheating, mentions of drug use, crying, arguing, jealousy

Chapter Fifty-Two: Twilight Zone

"Hurry up, Eds! They're gonna be here in less than an hour! And we still have to get dressed!" You shout to Eddie as you both scramble to get your apartment tidied up before your guests arrive.

"I'm going as fast as I can, angel! I still don't get why we have to clean up the bedroom too. It's not like we're having the party in there. Unless it's an extra fun kind of party you didn't tell me about yet." He jokes, picking up all his dirty clothes from the floor of the bedroom and tossing them in the laundry basket. He fixes the bedspread, putting it just the way you want it to be.

"They might take a peek out of curiosity, Eddie. And if they do, I don't want anyone to think we live like pigs!" You retort, wiping down the coffee table with some lemon Pledge. "Did you get the litter box already?" You call to him down the hall.

"Yes, Y/N. For the millionth time, yes!" He groans, wiping his palms down his face. You're being particularly anal-retentive tonight, so eager to impress your friends with your new apartment. He'd find it cute if it wasn't so goddamn annoying.

"I'm sorry. I just want everything to be perfect. It's our first time having people over." You say as you get up off the floor and rush to the kitchen and empty the dishwasher. "Can you take the trash out, babe?" You ask, the last thing you need to do before getting dressed.

"You got it, sweetheart. But if this is how it's gonna be any time we have people over, I'm gonna avoid it like the fuckin' plague." He grumbles, pulling the very full bag out of the can to take it to the trash chute.

"We wouldn't be rushing if somebody hadn't kept us in bed all day." You sing-song, putting the blame on him.

"Says the woman who couldn't stop riding my face." Eddie scoffs, heading out the front door for a moment to take the garbage away. You sigh, waiting for him to come back so you can put an end to the bickering. Tonight is supposed to be fun, and relaxing. To spend time with your friends. You finish putting the dishes away, and hear him open the door again, much gentler this time. You smile when you recognize his slow steps, he's coming over to you to apologize. "I'm sorry, babydoll. I know you just wanna be a good hostess." Eddie coos, pressing a kiss to your neck as his hands find your hips.

"I'm sorry, too. I don't need to be riding your ass so much. You've been really helpful." You sigh blissfully, more than happy to end this little tiff.

"Mmm, very true. You ride my ass enough as it is." He chuckles darkly, nipping on your throat.

"You know you love it, Eds." You reply, holding back a moan at his teeth worrying your skin into a light bruise. "We'd better get ready, baby. We don't have a lot of time." You say softly, your eyes fallen closed from his insatiable touch.

"I s'pose you're right. I'd hate for our friends to find you bent over this counter while I'm fucking you into next week." He gives you one last little bite, before pulling away entirely. He clears his throat, adjusting himself uncomfortably in his jeans.

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