Chapter Fifty-One: Cover Me

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Description: Eddie comforts you after the unfortunate events of Friday night. You tell him everything, unable to hide yourself away. You also finish the trial as a team, and have an intimate celebration afterwards.

Warnings: swearing, smut, crying, mentions of sexual coercion/ignoring consent, angst, mentions of abuse, light anxiety, heavy kissing, grinding, squirting, praise/degradation, dirty talk, fluff

Chapter Fifty-one: Cover Me

"Sweetheart, you've gotta get out of bed." Eddie says softly, shaking your shoulder through the thick comforter. It's almost noon on Saturday morning, and you refuse to get up. He's usually all for staying in bed and cuddling, but he hasn't even gotten that. You barely said another word to him after you finished your shower last night, and you've curled up on your side of the bed with your back to him all night. No goodnight kiss, no spooning. Nothing. He knows you're awake, because every time he tries to take the blanket off of you, you snatch it right up again and bury yourself deeper into it.

"Just leave me alone. I don't feel good." You say finally. You've been avoiding saying anything to him at all, for fear of breaking down entirely.

"Can I get you anything, princess? I can make you some soup or something." He offers, wishing he knew what was wrong. Sure, he knows he royally fucked up last night. But he thought it was resolved once you'd laid it all out for him.

"No." You manage to squeak out the word, a fresh batch of tears breaking free from your eyes. You can't hold yourself back anymore, you've already staved off many bouts of sobbing throughout the night for fear of waking him up. Your body shakes as muted cries fall from you, and the facade is shattered away.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Eddie asks, unsure what to do. He didn't mean to make you so upset. He didn't mean to hurt you. He feels awful, and he wants to make it all better. He'll do anything to understand. He climbs back in bed, carefully rolling you over onto your back to look at him. He expects to find your face, but he's met instead with your hands bunching the blanket to continue hiding yourself away. "You're scaring me, princess. I dunno what's wrong. Just- please, talk to me."

"I can't, Eddie. You don't understand." You sob, clutching the covers with all your might as he tries to pry them away. You don't want to do this. You just want to be left alone.

"But I want to understand, Y/N. I can't do that if you don't tell me what the problem is." He insists, choking back his own tears. His heart aches with worry for you, you've never been this bad before. You're completely shutting down, breaking into teeny tiny pieces. And he's unsure if he'll be able to put you back together this time.

"I can't do it, Eddie. I don't want you to feel bad, or to hate me. Please don't make me do this." You cry harder than you ever have before, desperately wanting this all to go away. You want to take back the awful thoughts that have plagued your mind all night. You want to take back the mental comparison you made between Eddie and Tommy. You wish so badly to just go back to normal and pretend it never happened.

"Y/N, I promise I could never hate you. Please, talk to me. I can handle it, whatever it is." Eddie begs, a couple stray tears rolling down his cheeks. You've never sounded this distressed, so...terrified to tell him what's making you so upset. He's becoming a little afraid of what you might say, but he won't rest until he fixes this. He stops tugging on the blankets, and carefully lays down beside you on the bed. He gently wraps his arms around your cocooned body, pulling you closer to let you know that you're safe with him. "Please, baby. I love you so much, I just want to help you." He sniffles, and your heart sinks at the sadness in his voice. Now you've made him cry, and you haven't even said the awful, terrible thing yet. "Please." He whispers, his breath stuttering as he waits for you to answer him.

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