Chapter Twenty: Mad World

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Description: You and Eddie deal with the aftermath of his fight with Jason. From hospital beds, to police questioning, it's certainly an eventful evening...

Warnings: swearing, anxiety, mentions of vomit, anger, fear, angst, crying, mentions of injuries and blood, mentions of violence/domestic violence, mentions of drugs

Chapter Twenty: Mad World

You slowly regain consciousness, hearing the beep of a heart rate monitor as your eyes flutter open. You groan at the harsh lights in your eyes, looking side to side to see where the hell you are. "Oh my god, sugarpuff!" You hear Mom's voice, she's sitting in a chair beside your hospital bed. She rushes to your side, taking hold of your hand.

"What the hell happened?" You ask, trying to remember how you got here. You think back, gluing the shattered pieces of what happened today back together. You recall the exam, lots of sex, greasy food, and- "Where's Eddie?" You ask in a panic, picturing Jason beating the shit out of him before the tables turned.

"Shh, Y/N. He's okay. Well, he's got a broken nose and some cuts and bruises. He's down at the police station for questioning. What the hell were you two doing getting in a fight with that awful Carver boy?" She interrogates, needing you to clear things up. You try to sit up fully, but you're feeling extremely woozy. Mom notices you gagging, reaching for the bucket the nurse left in your room for you to puke into. There goes lunch, and it certainly doesn't taste as good coming up. You keep the bucket on your lap in case you need it again. There's a horrible, radiating pain in the back of your head. You're about to reach behind and touch it, when Mom swats your hand. "Don't touch the stitches! You'll get them infected!" She's definitely pissed at you, and scared. You've never been one to get in trouble like this, you've always been a good egg.

"Stitches?" You ask dumbly, realizing you probably split your head open when Jason pulled you down. You inhale sharply, realizing just how serious the situation is. "Okay, um. I know this looks bad, but it's not what it seems." You say as you look at her angry face. You've never seen her so upset at you before. You can probably kiss that six-month promise goodbye.

"Okay, so tell me what the hell is going on. And don't leave anything out!" She barks, and you begin to tell her everything. Jason abusing Chrissy, you and Eddie trying to help her leave, Jason confronting you. Her face softens as you clear the cloud of confusion for her, anger slowly dissipating with it. "Why didn't you come to me, Y/N? I could've helped you go to the police."

"There was no guarantee going to the cops would've done anything, Mom. We were waiting for Chrissy to have a full plan before getting her out of there. If there was even a chance of Jason knowing what she was up to, it would've made things worse." But you suppose they are either way now. "Is Jason at the station too?" You ask, wondering if he managed to weasel his way out of responsibility for his end of the fight.

"Yes. And the police need to speak to you as well. Obviously they've had to wait for you to be conscious again, but they said to bring you once the doctor clears you."

"Well, get them in here. I need to go there right now. I have to tell them everything, and help Eddie get out." You speak in pure mania, trying to rip out your IV and locate your clothes. You remove the heart rate monitor, and it starts acting like you've died, making obnoxious noises.

"Y/N, slow down! You have to wait for the doctor!" Mom tries to stop you, keep you from hurting yourself. But you're too high on adrenaline to let anyone get in your way. You need to be with Eddie, now.

"Mom, please! I have to tell them it's not Eddie's fault! I don't want him to be punished for something he didn't even start." You manage to stand up, pushing past her to dig around in the plastic bag containing your personal affects. You don't even care about the curtains being open, you're getting dressed come hell or high water.

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