Chapter Twelve: Hungry Heart

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Description: You and Eddie are home alone once everyone has left for their spring break trip. You recieve an unexpected call, and you enjoy a 'two-course' dinner with Eddie in the kitchen...

Warnings: Swearing, crying, homesickness, mentions of vomit, mentions of domestic violence, alcohol use, smut, fingering, oral sex, unprotected sex, difficulty achieving orgasm, squirting

Chapter Twelve: Hungry Heart

"You're gonna love this, sweetheart." He hands the box to you, and you hold it for a minute. You shake it a little, trying to guess what it is. There's a small object rattling inside, but it's only in about half of the box. "Hey, no guessing! Just open it." He chides you jokingly, smiling wide.

"Okay, okay." You say, pulling the ribbon slowly. It falls into your lap, and you open the lid. You're a bit confused about what's in it, taking a moment to inspect it. You take out the objects inside, holding them in your hands curiously. After closer inspection, you realize what these are.

The item that was rattling around is a sparkly, pink twenty-sided die. And the other is a small book that it seems Eddie made himself. The cover has a heart on it, drawn in red ink with your initials in it. There's twenty numbered pages inside, each of which has a different sexual act on it. You flip through them, admiring Eddie's handwriting and the detailed illustrations he drew to go with each number. "What do you think, sweetheart?" Eddie asks, his knee bouncing anxiously. He can't read your face, watching intensely as you take in what he's given you.

You can't believe the effort this man has gone to give you such meaningful gifts. You look at Eddie, unsure what to say. You truly love the present, eager to try it out with him. "You're amazing, you know that?" You smile, stilling his knee with your hand. Instinctively you lean in to kiss him, brushing your lips against his. It's a brief kiss, but only because your lips feel a little bruised from all the others you've exchanged today. You rest your forehead against Eddie's, holding his hand as you show appreciation. "I love it, babe. It's a great gift, and it's very 'you'." You giggle, flipping the pages again with your thumb.

"Very 'me', huh? Whatever do you mean?" Eddie asks in sarcastic offense.

"Well, it's very thoughtful, and nerdy." You smirk at your next thought before saying it aloud. "But it's also extremely dirty, all of which are things I love about you." He chuckles at your assessment, amused with how you think of him. He lowers his head to kiss your neck, and you don't bother holding back a moan. There's no need for it now in a big, empty house.

He speaks lowly to you between kisses, tempting you to heat things up again. "Since you like it so much, how about we test it out, hm?" Eddie bites down on your throat, trying to reel you in. You're just about to give in, when the phone rings. He feels your weight shift as you try to stand to go answer it, putting his hand on your thigh to make you stay put. "Leave it, Y/N. They can call back." He continues marking you, but you wriggle away. He whines with indignation, not appreciating being interrupted.

"It could be Mom checking on us, I don't want her to worry. Just take a pause for a sec, Eds." You gently insist, jogging down the hall to reach the phone before the final ring stops blaring. You catch it just in time, bringing the receiver to your ear. "Hello?" You say, expecting to hear Mom on the other end.

"Hi, is this Y/N Henderson?" You hear Chrissy's voice speaking to you through the phone, she sounds like she's been crying. You're unsure how she got your number, maybe from the phone book. You're also curious as to why she's calling your house. "Hello?" She asks, as you've been distracted trying to work out what's going on.

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