Chapter Fifty-Six: Crazy for You

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Description: Nancy and Jonathan have a lovely wedding, with you and Eddie and all your friends in attendance. It's a beautiful November day full of love and joy. You and Eddie make the absolute most of it, in your most favorite ways...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, smut, alcohol use, fluff, light crying (happy tears only), oral sex, sexual activities in a church, grinding, unprotected sex, sex under the influence, praise/degradation, dirty talk, squirting

Chapter Fifty-Six: Crazy for You

"Quit messing with your tie, Eddie!" You scold as you realign Eddie's bow tie for the fifth time in the last thirty minutes. The wedding starts in ten, and he's been squirming and readjusting uncomfortably in his suit all morning.

"Sorry, it's just fuckin' choking me." Eddie complains, resisting the urge to reach up and rip it off once you've fixed it again.

"Oh, it is not." You tut, smoothing out the lapels of his tux jacket.

"Whatever, it's still uncomfortable as hell. And it's pink." He whines, looking himself over in the mirror. He's looking rather sharp, black always looks good on him. But the baby pink tie and cummerbund to match the bridesmaid dresses are definitely not to his liking.

"I think your manhood can survive a little bit of pink for an hour or two Eds. Don't be such a baby." You give him a warning look, knowing he's tempted to tear off the offending items altogether. This particular attire isn't exactly to his taste, but it's important he doesn't look a total mess today. "Besides, you look very handsome, darling." You soften up a little, offering a smile.

"I dunno about that. I think I look like a penguin." He scrunches his nose, undeterred by your compliments.

"You do not! You're very sexy in a tux, Eddie. I know you don't like it, but it's for Jonathan and Nancy." You wrap your arms around his shoulders for a moment, pulling his gaze away from his own reflection and down to you. His hands find your waist, and he grins.

"Sexy, you say?" He asks cheekily, focusing on all the wrong things today.

"Yes, that is what I said." You roll your eyes at him, and he scoffs.

"Alright, alright! I'll quit complaining. For them. But once this thing is over, I'm rippin' this all off." He sighs, finally deciding to be mature about this.

"That's fine, baby. But maybe don't actually rip it? It's a rental." You politely warn, you'd hate to have to pay for something he's only wearing once.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He grumbles, giving you a little once-over. "But you are absolutely gorgeous, sweetheart." He coos, his lips turning up into a smile. You're dressed in a beautiful pink silk strapless gown that reaches your calves, with lace detailing and simple pumps and gloves to match. A bouquet of roses sits on the table next to you at the small chapel, and the other boys have been getting ready behind you in the room. Eddie was begging for your help with his tie, and who are you to deny him? Although, you suspect he just wanted to get a peek at you in your dress.

"Thank you, love. It is rather pretty." You chirp, leaving his grasp and doing a cute little twirl to make your skirt spin. "I'd better get back to the girls, make sure Nance is ready to go. I'll see you in a bit, Eds." You give Eddie a quick peck on the lips, light enough to not smudge your makeup. "Boys." You wave to the others before leaving the room. You return to the makeshift bridal suite, carefully opening and closing the door so no one gets a glimpse of Nancy just yet. "How's our beautiful bride doing?" You ask excitedly, finding Karen and Joyce fussing around with Nancy's veil.

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