Chapter Thirty-Seven: Some Like it Hot

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Description: It's the 4th of July, and Steve has invited you and all your friends to a special barbecue for the occasion. There's food, dancing, playing around in the pool, fireworks. All the ingredients one needs to make an excellent party. You and Eddie fall into your habit of teasing again, and make plans for trying something new in the near future. But this day isn't all sunshine and rainbows, as the end of the evening brings some uncontrollable stress your way...

Warnings: swearing, alcohol use, light smut/teasing, mentions of war/PTSD, mentions of death, very light crying

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Some Like it Hot

"Eddie, dear? Do you mind carrying the potato salad inside for me?" Mom asks as the five of you get out of the car. You've driven yourself, Eddie, Mom, Dustin, and Wayne over to Steve Harrington's house for a special 4th of July barbecue. The lot of you are just a footnote in the rather long guest list. The Wheelers, the Sinclairs, the Mayfields, the Tanners, the Byers/Hopper family, and Robin are all in attendance for this afternoon and evening. Steve's own parents are out of town, as they typically find themselves to be. So, the former King of Hawkins High has taken it upon himself to throw a patriotic soiree on their dime. It's the least they can do in their everlasting absence, really.

"Sure thing, Claudia." Eddie smiles, stacking the three large Tupperware containers in his arms. "This sure is a lotta salad, you must've been up early this morning." Eddie chuckles as he struggles to keep himself from dropping one of the tubs.

"Oh, it was nothing, really. Besides, it's not Independence Day without the famous Henderson potato salad!" Mom says cheerfully, finding herself extremely happy to get out of the house for once.

"Well, in that case, I'll definitely have to try some." Eddie meets her gleeful energy, which in turn transfers to the rest of you. You're all quite excited to hang out with all your friends, depending on which age group you each happen to fall into.

"I 'preciate you all bringin' me along. I only hope I'm not intruding." Wayne pipes up nervously. He hasn't really met any of these people before, and he hopes to make a good impression.

"Not at all, Wayne. You'll fit right in, everyone is extremely friendly." You reassure him, while taking one of the tubs from Eddie's grasp. "Let me help you, love. You don't need to be Superman, ya know." You giggle at revealing his face as it had been previously hidden by the molded plastic.

"Thanks, sweetheart." Eddie shoots you a thankful grin. He grips the remaining salad firmly and easily now, and your little group makes it over to the front door of the Harrington residence. You ring the doorbell, and the man of the house answers not a moment later.

"Hey, you guys! We've been waiting for you to show up!" Steve says excitedly, holding the door back to let you inside. "What you got there?" He asks, pointing at the Tupperware.

"This, Stevie, is enough potato salad to feed a small army. Where should we put it?" Eddie replies, growing rather tired of carrying the stuff around now. The words 'potato' and 'salad' are also becoming rather tiresome.

"Oh, um, great! You can put it in the kitchen, just that room back there." Steve sets you in the right direction, and you and Eddie head that way while the others go around to mingle. You can hear Wayne introducing himself to Max and her mother as you set the containers down on the kitchen island.

"Will! Jane!" Dustin exclaims from the other room, overjoyed to see his California friends again.

"Hey, kiddos! Long time, no see." Hopper announces as he enters the kitchen. He's got Joyce with him, his arm wrapped firmly around her hip. They're wearing matching Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts, beers in hand.

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