Chapter Fourteen: Walking on Sunshine

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Description: Mom and the kids come back from their trip, and you make plans with Eddie for your one-month anniversary. You go shopping for an extra special gift, one you're sure Eddie will practically die over...

Warnings: Swearing, mentions of smut, mentions of smoking, fluff, light anxiety

Chapter Fourteen: Walking on Sunshine

The remaining days of you and Eddie having the house to yourselves have been pure bliss. He wakes you up with kisses every morning, which usually leads to amazing morning sex. After that, you share a shower and some breakfast before Eddie leaves for work or a few deals. You study until he comes back home, and he goes down on you as a reward for working so hard. The rest of the day is spent either trying a new page from the book he gave you, or snuggling up to him while he continues crafting the new campaign, or both. You've occasionally distracted Eddie from his tedious planning by giving him head, earning a few utterances of 'slut' and 'good girl' from his lips as you do so.

There's a perfect balance of connection and intimacy in your relationship, you cherish every minute you get to spend together. Mom and the kids are coming back today, she called this morning before they got on the road. Eddie didn't have to work, so you've just been cuddled up on the couch watching TV. You lay between his legs, his large hands massaging your shoulders as The Price is Right plays on a low volume. "You excited for everyone to come home, love?" Eddie speaks lowly to you, working your tired muscles between his fingers.

"Yeah, I've missed them a lot. But it's also been really nice just having the two of us here." You reply, eyes fluttering closed as you melt in his touch. It's innocent enough, but everything he does is like magic.

"I know, sweetheart. I've definitely enjoyed being here with you too, though I think Wayne has been missing me. He waits up for me to go change for work so he can chat with me, I feel kinda bad for leaving him all alone. He doesn't exactly have a lotta friends or anything." He sounds sad, guilty even. Wayne's done so much for him, the least he can do is be around to spend a little time with him.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Why didn't you say so? I know he's important to you, I feel selfish for having you here instead of the trailer every day." You lean your head upside down to look at him, gazing at his eyes. He just smiles at you, finding your position a bit silly.

"It's not a huge deal, Y/N. I told him why I haven't been around as much, he understands. He said we should have dinner with him sometime before he heads off to the plant, he'd like to get to know you better. But only if that's something you wanna do." Your eyes widen at this suggestion, dinner with Eddie's effective parent? That's a big step, but its one you're more than willing to take.

"I'd love to, Eddie! Did you have a particular day in mind?" You scramble to face him, straddling his lap. He chuckles at your enthusiasm, putting his arms around your waist.

"Well, I was thinking...Friday?" He knows it's a bit short notice as it's already Wednesday, but there's another reason for the particular day he's chosen.

"Sure!" You lean in to kiss him, and he gladly meets you in the middle. You pull away a second later, realizing what day Friday is. "Wait a minute." You raise an eyebrow at him, and he just smirks at you.

"What?" He asks, playing dumb.

"Isn't Friday our one-month anniversary?" You don't really expect him to hold milestones like that in high regard, but then again he always seems to blow expectation out of the water.

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