Chapter Thirty-Eight: Born In the USA

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Description: An incident at the trailer sends Wayne on a trip to the hospital. Eddie struggles to cope with his uncle's newfound condition, and you're forced to go without him at work the next day. When you two reunite in the evening, Eddie's in pretty bad shape. It's unclear just how far-reaching the effects of Wayne's need for assistance will be, only time will tell...

Warnings: swearing, smoking, drug use, PTSD, flashbacks, blood, violence, angst, anxiety, light arguing, crying, self-destructive behavior, mentions of death/human remains, mentions of war

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Born In the USA

"Y/N, wake up!" Eddie shouts to you in what feels like only seconds after you fell asleep.

"Wha-what's wrong, Eds?" You open your eyes again, finding that you're still at the trailer. Mom and Dustin have gotten out of the car already, you can see them in the kitchen from the trailer door sitting open. You hear Wayne yelling from the livingroom, what sounds like battle strategies and orders to men who aren't there. Oh, shit.

"Y/N, I don't know what to do! He's never been this bad before! He doesn't know where he is, and I can't calm him down!" Eddie says frantically, tears streaming down his face. His skin is covered in red splotches from his hysterics, he's completely panicking.

"Okay, okay. Slow down, love. Show me what's happening." You reply as calmly as you can. You're still disoriented from your slumber, and it feels very late. Eddie practically yanks you out of the car, and you almost trip over your own feet as he pulls you toward his home. You both stumble up the stairs clumsily and you see Wayne crouched in the corner by the couch. He's holding a broom like a rifle, and his eyes keep darting around. He's mumbling to himself, occasional looking to either side of him, as if there's other people crouched right next to him.

"Stay back, you Viet Cong bastards!" Wayne shouts once you and Eddie are inside. His eyes are wide and wild, and his chest heaves harshly while he points the end of the broom in your direction.

"Wayne, please. We're not gonna hurt you. The war is over, and you're safe at home." Eddie tearfully tries to get his uncle to calm down, taking a few cautious steps in his direction.

"I said stay back, dammit! Or I'll blast yer yella head off to kindom come!" Wayne jabs the broom, making Eddie flinch. Eddie's feet come to a stop, and his hands are raised slightly in surrender.

"Wayne, just put the broom down. You're having an episode. You need to calm down, and come back to us." Eddie moves a little closer, only a few feet away from Wayne now. He reaches a hand forward towards the broom handle, inching closer and closer. Wayne's frozen in place, staring down his nephew like he's a foreign enemy. He truly doesn't know where he is, or that Eddie is trying to help him.

You look over to Mom and Dustin, who are watching this scene play out in silent discomfort. "What do we do, Mom?" You ask, holding back a sob. You've never seen anything like this before, and it's honestly the most terrifying and heartbreaking thing you've ever seen. Wayne's trapped in an awful memory, and none of you know how to get him out.

"I don't know, honey. I'm sorry." Mom replies weakly, shaking her head in defeat.

"What do you want us to do, Eddie?" You ask as he's almost reached his uncle now. Just a couple more inches, and he can get a hold of the broom.

"Just give me a second, almost there." Eddie says shakily, trying to remain calm and collected. His hand just barely touches the broom now, when Wayne jerks it upwards and smacks him square in the nose with it. "Fuck!" He shouts, stumbling backwards as his nose begins to gush blood.

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