Chapter Thirty-Nine: Stand By Me

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Description: You and Eddie find various ways to cope with your current situation. You have a decent enough morning, and throw yourself into work while Eddie stays home. You also help Eddie finish the final chapter in the saga of the tumultuous relationship with his father...

Warnings: swearing, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, praise/degradation, squirting, oral sex, teasing, self-destructive tendencies, angst, crying, mentions of death/human remains, mentions of drugs/alcohol, mentions of abuse/violence

Chapter Thirty-Nine: Stand By Me

You'd gotten into bed with Eddie a few hours after you put him to sleep. Wayne insisted he was alright for the night, and you heeded his words to get some rest of your own. When you wake up in the morning, Eddie's clinging to your body from behind, spooning you. You can feel his erection poking against your butt, which usually would prompt you to press yourself back into him. But you can still hear a subtle snore escaping his lips from behind you, so you decide to let it be for now. You're sure he's far too tired to be intimate with you, as well as far too worried about his uncle to allow himself to be distracted. You peek at the clock on his bedside table, and it's only 7am.

"Mmm, Y/N." Eddie mumbles a moan in his sleep, the sound of which makes arousal spread between your legs. Fuck, I want him. But he needs to rest, you tell yourself, putting the dirty thoughts away. Sex is very low on the list of priorities right now. You sigh, carefully attempting to move yourself away from his cock. It's only serving as a temptation to you, and you can't torture yourself like this. However, Eddie's grip only tightens when you try to scoot away. "Where you goin', angel?" He says lowly in your ear. It appears he's awake after all.

"Nowhere, if you don't want me to." You speak awkwardly, picking at a loose thread on the blanket in an nervous manner. You shrug your shoulders, trying to play it cool. "I just figured..." Your words trail off when he turns your head with his hand, guiding you to face him. He shakes his head to dissuade your doubts, pulling you even closer in response.

"I want you, sweetheart. I need you." He says breathily, his big brown eyes gazing deeply into yours.

"Okay, love. Go ahead." You say softly, giving him permission to have you any way he wants. Without another word, he reaches a hand under the covers and around your waist, lowering across your stomach. His eyes stay on yours, and his long fingers snake their way to your slick folds. The tips of his digits brush over your clit, making you gasp. He travels further along, finding you're soaked slit.

"You're so beautiful in the morning, angel...and so wet already." Eddie observes, his eyes still locked onto yours.

"Only for you, Eds." You whisper. He slips two fingers inside your pussy, pressing on your g spot within seconds. He slowly curls them, pushing the spot over and over at a tantalizing pace. "Fuck, Eddie. Feels so good." You sigh, trying to keep the noise down. Wayne's probably asleep on the couch, and you'd hate to wake him with your usual sounds.

"I'm sorry for being such a mess last night." He says apologetically, while still keeping his seductive tone. Perhaps this is his way of making it up to you.

"It's okay, baby. You had a rough day." You reply, bringing your lips onto his as softly as you can. You don't want to aggravate his injured nose, but he still winces when your face brushes against it. "You okay?" You ask when you pull away.

"Yeah, just fuckin' hurts still. I'll be alright." He reassures you, flexing his fingers in your cunt a little faster now. You whimper at the sensation, your head pressing into the pillow as your back arches against him. "You want me to keep going, love? Or do you want my dick instead?" He asks casually, smirking at your reaction to his touch. He'll never get over everything you do in response to pleasure. Every sexy little sigh and moan, your nails digging into his back or shoulders, the way your thighs twitch at any new sensation.

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