Chapter Fifty-Five: Spellbound

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Description: You and Eddie attend a Halloween party at Steve's house. It's a wonderful time, spent with friends and family alike. An unexpected guest shows up, almost derailing the evening. But it's nothing a little booze, drugs, and feral sex can't fix...

Warnings: swearing, smut, alcohol use, drug use, light arguing, fingering, sex under the influence, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, choking, dirty talk, praise/degradation, squirting, fluff

Chapter Fifty-Five: Spellbound

"Are you ready yet, sweetheart? We're gonna be late to Harrington's." Eddie says from the bedroom as you're afixing a long, blonde wig on top of your head. You're trying to secure it with some bobby pins, but they keep slipping out.

"Just a minute, Eds." You sigh, tugging the damn thing in place again and again, attempting and failing to keep it still. Eddie hears your strained grunts and swears, coming into the bathroom to see what the hell is going on.

"Need some help, princess?" He asks as he leans in the doorway, arms crossed. He's already dressed and ready to go in his costume. The handsome Westley from The Princess Bride. He's covered head to toe in all black, which isn't all that odd for him on a typical day. But man, he looks absolutely gorgeous in this getup. He's got his hair kept back under a tied head scarf, a leather mask covering the top half of his face. A billowy shirt with laces on the front covers his torso, well-fitted pants on his legs. Another strip of fabric is wrapped around his waist, a scabbard and fake sword resting on his hip. Leather boots and gloves finish the look, and a thin penciled-in mustache sits above his upper lip.

You're meant to be his beloved Buttercup, wearing a long, flowy red dress with a golden belt around your hips. You've got some basic flats on underneath, no one will see your feet anyway. And of course, this thick, blonde wig is supposed to bring the vision together. But it just. Won't. Stay. "Yes, please." You sigh, giving up on finishing this task on your own. "Can you just hold it still so I can pin it? This damn thing is so finicky." You ask in frustration, waving your hands about.

"As you wish, my love." Eddie says in an English accent, bowing dramatically in the mirror's reflection.

"Get over here, you dork." You giggle at his playfulness, cheeks tinging pink as he brings one of your favorite characters to life. It's gonna be hard not to be all over him tonight if he keeps it up.

"Right away, your highness." He says in that same voice. You know he's just hamming it up, but it's seriously turning you on. Your blush deepens to a more reddish hue, and Eddie's eyes sparkle when he takes notice. He makes his way over to you, his gloved hands meeting your waist for a moment. "What's wrong, sweetheart? Gettin' too warm in this dress?" He asks teasingly, his breath fanning against your neck. It sends a shiver up your spine, your eyes glued to his in the mirror. He chuckles at your awestruck face, slowly shaking his head. "You're gonna get me in trouble tonight, aren't you?" He asks, holding your gaze hostage. His hands squeeze your hips, drawing a breathy moan from you.

"M-maybe." You stutter, swallowing hard. You feel a familiar heat building between your legs, though you resist the urge to rub your thighs together. He'll only tease you more for it. He brings his lips right up to your ear, and you hold your breath in anticipation of the filthy thing he's undoubtedly going to say.

"You're lucky we're already late, babydoll. Otherwise, I'd lift this pretty little dress of yours and fuck you right here." His tone is low, almost a growl. His body just barely presses into yours, letting you feel his half-hard cock against your ass. Your pussy throbs, though you know he has no intention of starting anything right now. No, he's sure to tease you all night, until you're begging on your knees for him to rail you. Well, two can play at this game. But for now, you'll let him think this isn't a fair fight. You don't say anything else, and his expression softens to a loving smile again. "Now, let's get you ready to go." He says sweetly, lifting his hands away from your hips and up towards your head.

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