Chapter Twenty-One: Human

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Description: You take another exam, and you mother gives an ultimatum on your relationship with Eddie. You attend the dreaded dinner with Angie, which leads to some interesting revelations...

Warnings: swearing, alcohol use, anger, anxiety, smut, masturbation, squirting, unprotected sex, praise/degradation, slight voyeurism/exhibitionism, crying, mild arguing, mentions of a dead parent

Chapter Twenty-One: Human

Your alarm clock wakes you up at 7:30am, blaring it's harsh trill in a persistent rhythm. The sound hurts your head, your wound throbbing at the back of your skull. Eddie grumbles beneath you, not wanting to get up. You place a whisper of a kiss on his cheek before slipping out of bed to shut the alarm off. His good eye flutters open when the room is quiet again. "Come back to bed, love. You're so warm and cozy." Sleep saturates his voice, it's really adorable.

"I can't, Eds. I have to shower and get ready for my exam. You can stay in bed if you want, though. I know you're really tired." You stroke his hair, which makes him smile warmly at you. He just nods in reply, closing his eye to continue resting. You don't blame him one bit. If you didn't have your final, you'd be knocked out right next to him all day.

You go through your usual routine, taking your time as your head is pounding again. You take a shower first, carefully letting the water run over your stitches. It doesn't feel great, but the doctor said to keep the area clean and you don't have time to deal with an infection. You return to your room wrapped in a towel, quietly digging around your drawers to pull out some fresh jeans and a t-shirt.

Eddie's snoring again, you watch his chest rise and fall in the mirror's reflection while you dress. You hate to leave him alone all morning, you're sure he'll be a bit stir-crazy without you or anything to occupy his mind. Maybe he'll get curious and dig around in your room if he hasn't before. You giggle quietly at that thought, picturing Eddie attempting to glean new information about you from old stuffed animals and journals you've long neglected. You walk over to him, giving another kiss to his forehead. He stirs slightly, an indescribably cute noise escaping his mouth.

You tiptoe out of the room, not wanting to disturb him. You slowly close the door behind you, traveling down the hall to the kitchen. Dustin is at the island munching on some Eggos, and Mom is frying up some bacon and eggs. You see your portion, but she's making more than usual. It's probably for Eddie. "Mornin' kiddos! How'd you sleep?" Mom asks with her back turned.

"I slept alright, Eddie's still asleep though." You reply, which makes her face drop slightly. Dustin also gives a worried glance.

"Is he alright? He looked like a zombie when you brought him home last night." Dustin asks, concerned about his friend.

"He's alright. Yesterday just really shook him up. He did wake up at first, but I told him he can stay in bed if he wants."

"Well, I'll put a plate for him in the microwave. I'd hate for him to go hungry." Mom says, clearly nervous about today. You've scared the hell out of her with yesterday's incident. And tonight she has to break bread with her ex-husband's mistress and their kids. You feel so guilty for putting her through all this, you wonder if she still thinks Eddie is the right man for you.

"I'll leave a note before we go, I'm sure he'll appreciate it." You try to keep conversation light, getting a plate from the cabinet to serve yourself. "You ready for your tests today, Dusty?" You ask, Mom's focus has drifted away from him lately in favor of you and Eddie. Another thing you feel very guilty about.

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