Chapter Forty-Seven: The Promise

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Description: You throw Eddie a surprise party for your six-month anniversary, and you finally tell him what you've been hiding for so long. You're bestowed with gifts for your potential new home, and spend some quality time with your friends...

Warnings: swearing, light smut/teasing, smoking, alcohol use, fluff, light crying, mentions of abuse

Chapter Forty-Seven: The Promise

"Okay, he's pulling up the driveway now. Places, everyone!" Dustin calls from his spot at the window, he's been peeking through the curtains to watch Eddie pull up to your house. He scurries to his hiding place, behind the armchair in the corner of the living room. Mom, Wayne, the Hellfire kids, Chrissy, and all your other friends hide as best they can behind various pieces of furniture. It's a tight squeeze for most of them. They've had to resort to less desirable spots, like cowering under the shield of the kitchen island, or beneath the coffee table.

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind, to say the least. You've been absolutely swamped at work, as well as juggling trial prep and registering for your classes that are getting closer by the day. You've got an entirely full plate, with a huge dollop of Eddie sat on top of all of it. The two of you have been doing very well at keeping distance when necessary, it's become the new normal for you. You still make plenty of time for one another, despite your busy schedule, but your shared existence has lessened significantly. As exhausting as it can be, you truly feel like an actual adult for once. Balancing work, and life, and relationships. It's something you've always wanted to prove you can do. It's a real, tangible sign that you're all grown up now. And today, you take another big step towards completing the process.

Your various party guests murmur in excitement, but you frantically shush them. You peek through the peephole of the front door, watching your boyfriend kill the engine and hop out of the van. He's holding a large pink gift bag, and he's dressed a little nicer than usual. Black jeans, a red button-up shirt that's only half done with the sleeves rolled up, exposing a good portion of his chest and arms. He looks so handsome, and you can't wait to finally reveal this long-awaited surprise. Your heart pounds in excitement, watching like a hawk as he makes his way to the door. He knocks, and you quickly open it.

"Hey there, sweetheart. Happy anniversary." He smiles at you, pulling you in by the waist to give you a small kiss. He pulls away, taking in your own special outfit. It's a cute, red dress that barely reaches your knees, with spaghetti-thin straps that sit perfectly on your bare shoulders. You're wearing flats with them, simple, black, with little bows on the toes. You also put on some light makeup, baby pink lipstick and natural coverage. "You look gorgeous, Y/N." He compliments you, and you blush.

"And you're very handsome, Eddie." You pull back from his embrace, ushering him inside so you can close the door to keep the mosquitoes out. He goes to the counter to put the bag down, thankfully taking no notice of Steve and Robin crouching just a couple feet away.

"So, what do you have in store for me this time, hm?" He asks curiously, making his way back across the floor to you. Eddie boxes you in against the door, putting a hand against it beside your head. He gazes at you hungrily, wrongfully assuming you've got the house to yourselves. "More dirty pictures? Something new in bed?..." He trails off, lowering his head to kiss your neck. You don't reply, unsure how to diffuse this. You know everyone can see and hear him, and it's no doubt going to be a bit embarrassing when they all jump out in a minute. "Am I getting warm, sweetheart?" He asks teasingly, biting down on your throat. Shit, please don't fucking moan. Not in front of all your friends and family, you think to yourself. Your grit your teeth to hold it in, struggling to form a sentence as Eddie's hand travels up your waist and toward your chest. You've got to stop this, before he gropes you in front of your own mother.

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