Chapter Eleven: Express Yourself

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A/N: Hey all! Just wanted to see if y'all would be interested in me making a companion playlist to go with this story? Since most chapters are named after 80s songs I figured that could be fun. I'd probably add other songs that fit the vibe of the story/era as well so it's not super short.

Description: It's spring break, and your mom and Dustin are going on a trip to a cabin with his friends. You're staying behind with Eddie, having the house to yourselves. Before the group leaves for the trip, they make sure to give you a big surprise. This day in particular brings many surprises your way, one of which coming from yourself...

Warnings: Smut, swearing, alcohol references, oral sex, masturbation, squirting, exhibitionism/voyeurism, a bit of fluff because why not?

Chapter Eleven: Express Yourself

You spend the rest of the week, and the one after in a comfortable routine. You wake up, Eddie drives you to school, you breeze through classes, and he picks you up again. Most days you go to the woods or his trailer and fuck like wild animals. Sometimes you just cuddle and watch TV, or he reads Lord of The Rings to you. You love when he does that, his voice is perfect for reading stories aloud. He knows how to put just the right emotion behind the words, you've told him before that he should be an actor. But he always laughs when you say that, shushing you so he can keep reading.

Today is a Monday, the beginning of spring break. Hawkins schools all follow the same break schedule, so usually you, Mom, and Dustin go on a trip to a cabin and visit national parks. They're still going, along with Mike, Lucas, Max, the Tanner twins, and even Will, Jonathan and Jane who flew in from California. Mike's sister Nancy is also going, to help chaperone the children and obviously spend time with Jonathan. You're staying behind, as you have some studying to do for the finals coming up soon after break. And Eddie couldn't get the time off of work to join you, despite Mom insisting he come along too.

Before they all set off on their journey, everyone gathers at your house, and Eddie just happens to have stayed over the previous night. You're sitting in your room, listening to your stereo with Eddie's head in your lap. You stroke his hair, and his eyes are shut as the two of you lounge about in your pajamas. The kiddos are helping your mother ensure they have everything they'll need at the cabin for the next week and a half, their voices clamoring together to form a buzzing beast of sound. A little bit later, the kids go suspiciously quiet, and Dustin's footsteps make their way down the hallway to your room. You left the door open, since there's no funny business going on at the moment. Dustin stands in the doorway, eager to get your attention.

"Hey, Y/N? Could you come help us with something?" He asks, a little too gleefully. He's up to something, and the other kids are certainly in kahoots with him.

"Okay?" You raise an eyebrow at your brother, patting Eddie's shoulders for him to get off of you. He grumbles, his eyes still closed. He must've fallen asleep, the touch of your fingers on his scalp is very soothing to him. "Eddie, baby. Get up, the kiddos need something." His eyes open slowly, and he rubs the sleep away. He's so cute when he just wakes up, he's like an unruly housecat basking in the sun.

"This better be good, Dustin. I was rather enjoying napping in your beautiful sister's lap." Eddie says through a yawn, sitting up to kiss you. You smile against his lips, even when he just wakes up he has a quick wit.

"I promise it'll be worth interrupting your...cuddling. Come on!" Dustin crinkles his nose at your affectionate display, running excitedly back down the hall. Eddie stands, stretching his arms above his head which draws noises from him that unintentionally arouse you. You can't help staring at him, gazing at the edge of his stomach being exposed as he forces himself out of dreamland. Eddie wasn't even trying, but his body moving that way was turning you on. He opens his eyes, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips as his arms slap down to his sides. He smirks at you when he notices you gawking at him, taking your hand in his.

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