Chapter Thirty: Shout

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Description: You accompany Eddie and Wayne to visit Wilfred at the prison. Things don't go as you'd hoped, but sometimes what you want isn't always what you need...

Warnings: swearing, light smut/teasing, anxiety, arguing, panic attack, mentions of domestic violence/abuse, mentions of vomit, mentions of death/murder, mentions of sexual harassment, mentions of alcoholism, abusive parent, angst

Chapter Thirty: Shout

You're at a pit stop about halfway through your trip, stretching your legs and getting a snack from the gas station. Wayne's filling up the truck, and Eddie went to go take a piss. You'd asked Wayne if he needed a map, but he insists that he still remembers the way from the last visit he'd made to the prison. It's been ten years, almost to the day, and he still recalls every turn and exit on this lengthy journey. It appears the roads don't change much when they lead to the dead end of society.

"You pick somethin' good, angel?" Eddie asks as he appears behind you.

"Um...still deciding." You say thoughtfully as he takes hold of your waist. You're stuck choosing between potato chips and trail mix. You've already picked out some sodas for the three of you. "Ugh, you pick. I can't make up my mind." You groan quietly, leaning backwards into him.

"Don't mind if I do, sweetheart." He kisses your cheek, reaching a hand forward to pick up a can of Pringles, and a pack of Hostess cupcakes. "Here. We'd better check out and get back out there, Wayne might just drive away without us."

"I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" You ask jokingly.

"Well, I can't say I didn't think about climbing out the bathroom window and booking it. But then I thought about you, and I couldn't possibly leave you behind." He gives you another kiss, on your neck this time. You look around you, hoping to find no one else in your direct vicinity as Eddie's teeth latch on to your tender flesh. You gasp slightly, your grip tightening on the canned soda in your hands.

"Someone's needy." You quip, drawing a low chuckle from Eddie's throat.

"You have no idea, princess." He says seductively, before pulling away. "C'mon, let's pay and get outta here." It appears he's playing a certain game that you and him played at the very start of your relationship.

"Fuckin' tease." You mutter, walking hand in hand to the register.

"You know you love it." He replies with a grin, setting his items on the counter before the cashier. You do the same, and Eddie pulls out his wallet. He pays for the snacks, and you both head back outside where Wayne is waiting for you. You climb back into the truck, settling in for the second half of your trip.

"Took ya long enough. I was worried Eddie made a run for it." Wayne says, lighting up a smoke before pulling away from the pump. You and Eddie follow suit, you haven't had a cigarette all day, surprisingly enough.

"I definitely considered it." Eddie says as he lights two cigs in his mouth. He hands one off to you, and you both inhale a deep drag.

"Well, I'm glad you thought better of it, Edward." Wayne replies, flicking his ash out the window. The radio begins to play "Long Long Time" by Linda Ronstadt, which just happens to be one of your favorites.

"Oh, man. I love this one." You say with a smile as the beginning notes fill the cab of the truck.

"It sure is a good one. Used to be Margaret's favorite." Wayne chuckles, recalling his sister-in-law singing along to the record back in the day. The good times, before she and Wilfred fell headfirst down the bottle together. Her velveteen voice used to coo the words to Eddie as a baby, up until he was about five years old. After that, the singing stopped entirely. The only kind of 'music' heard in the Munson household from then on was the landing of punches, dishes smashing against the walls, blood dripping onto the floor. You notice Wayne's face twisting slightly, as if the memory of Margaret is too painful to bear.

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