Chapter Seven: Little Lies

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Description: You spend your school day dreading talking to Eddie about serious relationship topics. You stay the night at his trailer, meeting his uncle Wayne. You learn a bit about Eddie's past, and the two of you grow closer.

Warnings: Swearing, smoking, alcohol use, light kissing/touching, references to adult material, anxiety, mentions of child abuse/trauma, light angst

Chapter Seven: Little Lies

You're feeling the exact opposite way than you did on Friday. You watch the clock tick by too fast, wanting it to slow down. You're dreading having a serious conversation with Eddie, but you feel it coming a mile away. Your stomach is doing flips, and you don't want to deal with it right now. You just want to have fun, and try to be happy for once. But you sense Eddie is probably disappointed in you for being dishonest. You do your best to appear fine and put together through your classes. You answer as many questions posed by professors that you can, taking notes diligently. But it's all just a distraction from your problem.

Before you know it, you're in biology again, handing in the paper you finished last night. Only a couple more hours to go until you see Eddie again. Of course, you want to be with him because you care for him. But you know this evening might not be as sweet as you'd hoped. You feel a bit sick, your nerves threatening to take hold again. You do everything you can to steady your breathing, and calm your heart pounding in your chest. Focus on the professor, take your notes. Forget about Eddie right now. You try to convince yourself that everything is fine, and no matter how tonight goes you won't lose him. But you can't help worrying that you might. Ugh, shut up, stupid brain. Focus, focus, focus. You pinch the bridge of your nose, feeling your head starting to pound. Great, another headache.

You look up at the clock, 3:29pm. One more minute. You stare at the second hand moving around the circumference of the clock, trying to still it using your mind. But it's to no avail, it continues to move, inching closer and closer to 3:30. You sigh as it signals the end of the day, lazily gathering your books. The other students move quickly, rushing into the halls to make their way home. You get out of your stool, shoving your things into your bag. You say goodbye to your professor, joining the buzzing bodies in the hall.

You absent-mindededly make your way out of the building, not even looking up to see Eddie waiting outside the van for you. He takes notice of you, calling your name. "Y/N! How's my sexy girl?" He grins at you. You look up at him, smiling weakly. His expression drops, taking a drag from his cigarette. You struggle to keep your feet moving to meet him, but you manage to make it and lean against the van next to him. "Hey. How'd your classes go today, baby?" Eddie leans in to give you a kiss, and you happily take it. "I missed you today, couldn't stop thinkin' about you." He grins, softly stroking your arm.

"I missed you too, Eds. And classes went fine, boring as usual." You reply, sighing.

"You sound stressed, angel. Need a smoke?" He pulls the pack out, and you take the cigarette he digs out into your mouth without even thinking about it. He lights it for you, and you unconsciously inhale as you stare into space. "What's wrong, princess? You're hiding again." You take the cig between your fingers, exhaling a large cloud of smoke.

"Can we talk about it later? I know we have to talk, but I want to wait until we get to your place." Your voice comes out shaky despite trying to steady yourself.

"That's fine, Y/N. Seems like you've had a long day." He replies quietly, flicking the carcass of his cigarette away. "Get in, baby. You can finish that in the van." You nod your head, turning to open the passenger door. You climb in, tossing your bag carelessly into the back. You crank the window down a bit to allow any smoke out. Eddie climbs in opposite you, quickly shifting gears to pull out of the parking lot. You keep smoking in silence, unsure of what to say.

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