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Tanvi's POV

Who is this woman that is hugging my man like he is her man. She is quite taller than me with a model like body.

"Oh Shiv, I missed you so much. It's been almost 15 years since we met each other" she wheedles.

Oh, Shiv instead of Shiva, that's something new. I watch them as she kisses his cheek. I wait for Shiva's reaction, well guess what he seems to be perfectly okay with it. Both of them appear to be in their own world. I clear my throat to gain their attention. Both of them look at me.

She eyes me disgustingly, "Who is this Shiv? " she asks, and before Shiva could answer, she continues, "oh my bad, I can guess that she must be your secretary. Of course she cannot be your girlfriend. I mean look at her, she is so mediocre".

I lost it now, who the hell is she to judge me and assume things about me, "And who are you to assume things about me? " I ask her.

" I am Shiv's best friend Alia, don't you know that secretaries are not allowed to family dinners" she says menacingly.

"Sweetie, she is not my secretary. She is my girlfriend Tanvi. Tanu, this is my childhood bestie Alia" finally Shiva breaks his silence. Wait!!! did he just call her sweetie???

"Ewww Shiv, when did your taste in woman get low, that you started to date woman like her?"

How dare she!!!! I will break her teeth and show her who is messing with. I move forward and then Shiva holds me back. I stare at him.

"Sweetie, I don't tolerate it when someone talks about my girl badly, apologize to her now" Shiva tells her.

She doesn't bulge, so Shiva speaks again, " Sweetie I don't like to repeat myself"

"I am sorry Tanvi."

"It's alright" I say

"Okay, now let's get inside" shiva tells and moves with Alia, leaving me behind all to myself.

What the hell did just happen. He left me alone and went with her?? May be I am overthinking, they have obviously met after so long time.

they will have a lot of things to catch up on, I should not be so possessive of him. I can be on my own here, after all this is not my first time here .

I walk myself to the living room and see that Shiva's parents are seated with another couple of their age, I guess they are Alia's parents.

Then I see a guy in his late twenties seated on the sofa. Next to him I see Alia and Shiva seated together. Since all the sofas here are two seaters, I go and sit next to that guy.

Shiva's dad Raj Goenka introduce me to them, "Rishab, this is Tanvi, Shiva's girlfriend. And tanvi. this is Rishab Aggarwal, a family friend of ours for 3 generations. This is his wife, Poornima, his son Mahir and his daughter Alia"

"Hello everyone" I greet everyone.

They acknowledge me by nodding.

" The lunch is ready, come on everyone let's have it" Shiva's mom, Varsha Goenka tells everyone.

All of us make our way to the dining hall. I was about to sit next to Shiva, when Alia beats me to it and sits in my place. I ignore this and sit next to Mahir.

I see that everyone is busy with their own conversations. Poornima aunty and varsha aunty are talking among themselves, the same followed Rishab uncle and Raj uncle. Even Shiva and Alia are busy in talking. I am feeling quite awkward to talk with Mahir. I have just met him, I am bad at starting conversations so I eat my food in silence. Mahir clears his throat, I look at him.

"What do you do?" he asks me.

"I am senior manager at slink corporations. how about you? ", I didn't feel like telling him that I am changing my job.

" I am running Aggarwal corporations and I am planning on expanding it now"

"Nice, what businesses does your corporation deal with?"

"Well, We have hotel business, retail and telecommunication business. Now that Alia has graduated in fashion designing, she wants to start a fashion business under Aggarwal name".

"That sounds great".

"Are you from Bangalore, or have you come here for work".

"I am not from bangalore, I was born and brought up in a town which is around 60 km from here. I'm first came to bangalore to study my degree, then later I got a job here and continued staying".

"How did you meet Shiva?"

"We went to the same college, that is where I met him and we started dating during our college days..." I tell him my love story with Shiva.

" That is so pleasant to hear"

"Are you dating someone?"

"Nope, I am yet to find my dream woman" he stares into my eyes while telling this, I think its best to end our conversation here.

"Okay, I hope you find your dream woman soon", I tell him and see that all others have already finished lunch and went from the dining room.

I too walk out of the dining room. I look at my watch, I want to go home now, I have an interview to prepare to. I search for Shiva and see him playing UNO with Alia, I go near him.

"Shiva, shall we take our leave?" I ask him.

"Sure" he says and starts to get up from his chair, when Alia stops him.

"Shiv, we have met after such a long time, can't you be with me for some more time?" she pleads him.

Shiva looks at me expectantly, I sigh "It's ok shiva, you come later. I'll leave now" I tell him and bid my farewell to everyone

"Wait, let me drop you" he says.

"It's ok, I can manage" I took my leave after we hugged eachother.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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