Chapter 23

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Tanvi's POV:

I was looking at the fan in the room thinking about my life. How did I end up here? Where did I go wrong? I have never hurt anyone intentionally, then why is this happening in my life? Maybe I trusted the wrong person. When I think of past, although there was those moments when we were so full of love. But yesterday's events made me think, is love enough for a relationship to sustain? 

No, love is not enough. We should know how to respect, be honest and loyal with each other. We should involve our partner in the decision involving both our lives. We should defend our partner when they are wronged by someone. 

When I come to think of it, never once did Shiva ever say his mom to stop taunting me while she was doing it. Although I was the one who was wronged there, I had to listen to her talk just because she is his mom. If he loved me like he told that he did, he would have stood up to me and told his mom to not treat me the way she always treats. 

I never asked him to pick sides between me and his mom or to defend me because I didn't want to put him in that position. I always had a hope in me that told that maybe one or the other day she is going to accept me.

I was brought back from my thoughts at the sound of my alarm. It was 7 am. I should start getting ready for work. I am in mood to work, but I also need a distraction from this whole thing. I got ready and stood in front of the mirror and say my eyes had bags under them. I clearly looked like I didn't sleep the whole night. I took some concealer and tried hiding them. 

I went out of the room and say Rahul sipping coffee.

"Good morning. Why don't you take a day off today?" he asked keeping his coffee on the table.

Chimmi came out of kitchen with two cups in her hand. She handed me one.

"Yes Tanu, you should take some rest right now. You should not take caffeine now, so drink this milk."

I took it from her hand and smiled at her, "It is my second day, I don't want to create a bad impression. I need this job." 

I cannot afford to lose this, now that there is a baby on the way. 

They nodded understandingly. 

"I will have breakfast on the way." I said while leaving.

"Tanu it is not good for the baby."

"It is only for today. I will be late if I don't leave now. The company is quite far from here."

I bid my byes and left to office with a cab.

I reached the office, and everyone was in celebration mode, I think it is the aftermath of the announcement last night. I made my way to the cabin and started working. I had some fruits as breakfast. I tried to concentrate on my work and when it was lunch break, everyone was asked to assemble at the cafeteria.

Extravagant lunch was provided for all the employees from the management. My cruel fate, I had to take part in this celebration. I cannot see those pictures of them together in posters without breaking down. So, I made an excuse that I was not feeling well. Looking at my sleepless eyes, they excused me. I ate some fruits again for lunch. 

It was the end of office hours and I got up from my seat and my head started feeling dizzy. I held on to the table and sat back down. I let the feeling subside. I breathed in some deep breaths and drank some water and got up.

I felt better now. I booked the cab and left for Chimmi's apartment.

I paid the fare for the driver and got out of the cab only to see a familiar car standing in the parking lot. I stopped for a second, before shaking my head at some meaningless thoughts and walked to the elevator.

I reached the apartment and rang the bell. Chimmi opened the door and let me in. She was looking nervous, what's wrong I thought before entering.

I went still looking at the person sitting on the couch. It was none other than the great Shiva Goenka. I inhale a deep breath.

Why has he come here? To invite me to his wedding? To humiliate me more? 

I looked at Chimmi with widened eyes, thankfully they haven't noticed me yet?

She gave me a sorry look, "He persisted that he wanted to talk to you. The neighbors were watching, so I let him in." My eyes softened listening to her. I am already troubling them by staying over, and now this man is making a scene. Ugh!! why does my life have to be so difficult.

"I am sorry about that Chimmi, I will sort it out."

"It's ok Tanu, don't be sorry. You are not at fault here."

I went in front of them, Shiva saw me and his eyes were looking guilty. I guess there is no need to delay the inevitable. If not today, then tomorrow I will be facing him, why delay it then.

"Hey Tanu. I was so worried about you. Are you alright?" He said with worry in his eyes.

I scoffed internally. The nerve of this guy asking me that after all that he has done.

"Tanu, please say something." he spoke again.

I didn't want Rahul and Chimmi to feel uncomfortable because of our conversation. I called him to the guest room where I was staying.

I closed the door but didn't lock it. 

"What do you want me to say, Mr. Goenka?" I said to him without any emotion on my face.

I was trying really hard to control my tears. I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me in tears. 

"Tanu please don't call me like that. You know that I love you. I am sorry about this whole fiasco. I can explain."

"There is no need for that. Listen Mr. Goenka, we don't have anything left to talk about and I am not interested in any of your explanations. Keep it for yourself. Don't ever say that you love me. Because unlike you, for some people out there, those words actually mean something."

He looked broken listening to my words. I couldn't care less. I am done with him.

"Please give me a chance to explain." He fell on his knees.

"It won't make a difference now does it. You are anyways going to get married to your best friend." I say mockingly.

"You have mistaken the whole thing, I will be getting engaged to her, then I am going to be with you."

My blood started to boil hearing him. What the fuck does he think of me?

I gave him a tight slap. His face was imprinted with my fingerprints. Tears fell from my eyes.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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