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Today is very important to me. I really hope that I get this job. 

After getting ready, I check on Shiva and find that he is still sleeping, he must be tired because of last night. I kiss his forehead and move to kitchen. I see our cook Ramya aunty cooking. she has known Shiva since his childhood. She was working for his parents previously and has been a mother figure to Shiva. When Shiva moved out, she started to be his cook. She cooks for us on weekdays. On weekends I prefer to cook myself because I love cooking. 

I smile at her and greet her, "Good morning aunty, What's for today's breakfast"

"Good morning putta, I cooked veg pulao" (putta is an endearment term for children in kannada)

"Oh, I love pulao, I will have my breakfast now aunty, I have an interview today .Shiva has not yet woken up, he will have it later"

"Ok putta. I will serve you. come and sit down"

I had my breakfast. 

"All the best Putta, do well in your interview"

"Thanks aunty and Bye"

"Bye putta"

I took metro to the location, because I didn't want to be late for my interview.  

I have been to Shiva's other offices before, but I have never been to this office. That's one of the reason why I applied for job here. Nobody here knows that I am dating Shiva. They all know that he has a girlfriend but they don't know who she is. I didn't want to be swarmed by the paparazzi, so we have maintained our relationship a secret. Being a billionaire comes with no private life, I'm sure everyone of us know that. I didn't want to be followed in the same way, so apart from our parents and couple of close friends, our relationship is still unknown to the real world.

I stare at the tall building in front of me. The name, GOENKA INFRASTRUCTURE is written on it.

I see a receptionist on a call, as I enter the building. I walk towards her and wait for her to keep the call.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" she asks

"Good morning, I am here for the interview"

"Oh I see, the interview is taking place in 12th floor ma'am, you may go there"

"okay thank you"

I take the lift and go to 12th floor, I find a dozen of people in the waiting area. I find a seat for myself. I was called in after 2 hours. The interview took place for 45 minutes and later I was told that I would be receiving a mail, if I am selected. The interview went well if you ask me, I was confident with my answers and answered to all of their questions. 

Right now, I am walking myself to the nearby restaurant, I am hungry right now. I order for cheese corn sandwich and vanilla milkshake. 

Oh shoot, I need to call my mom and tell her about my interview, she will be waiting to hear from me. I find a seat in the restaurant and call my mom.

"Hi ma, had your breakfast?"

"Yes chinnu, how did your interview go? I was waiting for your call"

"I knew it ma, so I called you to tell about it. It went well and I think they might give me the job"

"Good to know chinnu, what did you do yesterday?"

"I and shiva went to his parents' house for lunch after grocery shopping"

"what was the occasion?"

"Shiva's childhood best friend has come back to India, she wanted to surprise Shiva"

"She??? is it a girl??"

"Yes ma. Actually her parents and Shiva's parents are friends too"

"Then you must talk to Shiva about your marriage Chinnu. Not to scare you or something, but I think Shiva's parents will plan Shiva's marriage with that girl"

My sandwich and milkshake was served. I pick it up and start to eat it.

"Ma, You don't make any sense. Why will Shiva marry her, when he has promised to marry me" I talk between chewing food.

"This is what happens in 90% of the Indian tv dramas that I watch "

"Ma, don't worry about it so much. Shiva is man of his words. I trust him"

"I know that, but don't forget that his mom doesn't like you, what if she pushes Shiva to marry that girl" 

As soon as I swallow the sandwich, bile rises in my throat.

"Ma, I'll call you back later. I need to use bathroom right now"

"hey wait, what's wrong?" I cut the call and rush to the bathroom and starts to puke.

After I finished vomiting, I wash my face, rinse my mouth and come out of the ladies room.

I should call ma, she will be worried sick of me, I cut her call suddenly. Thinking that I call her. She picks it after the first ring itself.

"What happened to you? Why did you cut the call?"

"one question at a  time ma. I suddenly felt this urge to vomit. So I rushed to the ladies room and I had to cut your call "

"You must have eaten some junk yesterday, that is why I tell you eat healthy food always. But you are grown up and doesn't listen to anything I say. Stupid girl"

"Ok ma, I will keep it in my mind. Take care bye." I assure her. Maybe it was yesterday's dinner that has made my stomach upset. Anyways, I feel tired now, i want to go home and sleep.

"ok chinnu, take care. Listen, call your pappa today, he wanted to talk to you"

"Ok ma, bye" I cut the call.

I call shiva to tell him how my interview went, but his phone was switched off. He must be in a meeting I guess. So I text him that my interview went well and I am going home.

I hail a cab to go home. As soon as I reach the apartment, I change into something comfortable and sleep.

-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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