Chapter 44

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Tanvi's POV:

Shiva was going near the car. I opened my phone to book a cab. He came back and stood in front of me. 

"Tanu, why are you standing here. Car is over there."

"I am not coming with you."


"Who knows, you might leave me midway saying some important thing came up. I will go on my own."

"Tanu, I am really sorry for earlier, but the meeting was very crucial. Or else I would have postponed it. Please I am sorry baby. We will take a day off today. Come on let's go." 

"I don't want to repeat myself. You can leave and take your day off. I still have tasks pending in the office." 

"Tanu, please come with me?" 

"No." He picked me up in bridal style and walked to the car.

"Shiva put me down. Everyone is watching us."

"No. And don't bother arguing because I am not going to put you down."

I kept my mouth shut. He made me sit in the car and go into his seat.

"Tanu, please don't be angry on me."

I stayed silent.

"Baby please." He took my hand and kissed the back of my palm. 

He continued to kiss the same spot. I tried pulling my hand but his hold on my hand was strong.

"Leave my hand Shiva."

"Please forgive me Tanu. The board of directors were trying to bring me down from CEO's position and that's why the meeting was crucial. I wrapped it up early and rushed here." This caught my attention.

"Why would they do that?"

"They wanted an explanation about our marriage right after the announcement of my marriage with Alia. They are of the view that I am indecisive. Now everything is solved. Don't worry."

"You could have told me this when you came to my cabin itself right. Do you think I wouldn't have understood the situation?"

"Tanu it is not like that. I didn't want to stress you with the news."

"Shiva, you keeping things from me is what has led us here, remember. We are a couple and we are a team. I know your capability, so I wouldn't stress over something until I know you can handle it on your own. But, you keeping things from me is not ok. We are trying to make progress in our relationship which begins with you not keeping things from me."

"Ok Tanu I will keep that in mind. What did the doctor say before I came?"

"She prescribed me some multivitamin tablets and diet to follow during pregnancy. Oh shit!! I forgot to get the tablets." I suddenly remembered.

"Don't worry I will ask Kishore to get them. Let's have lunch on the way to office."

"No, there is a lot of work is pending in office for me. I will ask Ramya aunty to send lunch to us." I took my phone to call aunty and tell her. After I ended the call Shiva spoke.

"I am cooking dinner tonight to celebrate this day. Let's have a candlelight dinner. Can you please get ready for it, Tanu."

"Let me think about it."

"I will take that as a yes. And I wanted to ask you something. Why did you say that you didn't know me in front of the doctor?"

"Are you really asking me why I did it?"

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