Chapter 19

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Shiva's POV:

**previous day continued**

"What? Shiva how can you say this?" my mom exclaimed.

Poornima aunty interrupted, "Varsha, please don't force Shiva. I can understand his point of view. I will setup the dining table for lunch."

Poornima aunty left to setup the table. Only me, mom and Alia were in the living room. Alia didn't speak a word.

"Shivu, how can you be so selfish? Don't you remember who helped us when we were drowning in debts. How can you turn your back at them when they need us the most?"

Alia woke up from her seat and spoke," Aunty, I will leave you both alone."

"No Sweety, you don't have to leave anywhere. We are not discussing something confidential."

"But mom, Tanu has already been through enough. I cannot do this to her."

"Why are you bringing her into this?"

"Mom, she is an important part of my life. Let's figure out some other way."  I say.

"Yes aunty, let's not force him into this."

"No sweety, this is the question of your dream. Dream that you dreamt of since you were a child. How can I let it all go in vain, when I have a chance to bring it to reality."

She turned to my side and continued, "Listen Shivu, if Tanu really loves you, then she will not have a problem with you doing this for your friend."

"I still don't want to do this." I say like an ultimatum.

"Here you go, my son whom I loved and cared for over two decades is choosing a girl he loved over me. What has she done to you? How can you choose her over your mom and best friend since childhood?"

"Mom. I have promised Tanu that I will be marrying her. I cannot break it."

"Shivu, you are mistaking again. I never asked you to marry Alia, all I am asking is to announce the marriage. I know you love Tanvi. You will never have to break your promise Shivu. Also remember that you made a promise to Alia when you were kids that you will standby her in her tough times."

Yes, I remember that promise. We were 10 year old, we were watching a movie together with our family when two friends in the movie promised to each other that they will stay by each other through thick and thin. This excited me and sweety so we too promised each other the same.

"If you do this, then I will accept Tanvi as my daughter in law and agree for your marriage." 

That caught my attention.

"Are you serious mom?"

"Yes shivu, I will not stand in the way of your happiness. So I hope you agree for this?"

This is what I was waiting for. I wanted my mom to accept Tanu as her daughter in law. This solves all of my problems other than making Tanu understand the situation. But on the brighter side, we will have my mom's blessings for our wedding.

 I know that in life everything comes with a cost. Maybe this is the cost I have to pay to have Tanu as my wife. And I am willing to do anything for it. Both me and Tanu had discussed in the beginning that we will get married only after our parents give us the blessings. Now that my mom had also agreed to our marriage, we are few steps away from getting married.

"Ok mom, I will agree for the marriage but you have to promise me that you will make the announcement after I give you the green signal. I want to break the news to Tanu first."

"As you say Shivu." my mom said smiling at me.

"Guys the lunch is ready" Poornima aunty called us from dining room.

We went there, got settled and started having lunch. 

After finishing the lunch, mom told to Poornima aunty that I agreed. 

"Thank you so much shiva." 

"Aunty you don't have to thank me aunty."

"Shiva come lets play air hockey." Sweety pulled me to their terrace.

" Sweety pulled me to their terrace

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Air hockey

Suddenly Sweety started crying, I went to her place and tried to console her, "Hey sweety what's wrong, why are you crying?"

"I am so indebted to you Shiva, I don't know what I would have done if you didn't come today. Thank you so much for your sacrifice Shiva."

"Sweety, you are my best friend. You don't have to thank me for this. It's my duty." She nodded wiping her tears.

We kept on playing for an hour. Sweety got tired, we stopped the game and sat down for a while.

Mahir entered to the terrace, "hey anna, when did you come?" sweety spoke.

"I arrived just now. Shiva can I talk to you?" he said.

"sure" I said and went to talk to him.

"I heard from mom that you agreed to this arrangement."

"Yes Mahir, is something wrong?"

"Shiva, have you talked to Tanu about this?"

What is this guy's problems? Why does he always poke his nose in my matters? And why does he have to call her Tanu? It is Tanvi for him, only I can call her tanu. Does he have a crush on my girl? I clenched my jaws at the thought.

He continued, "I am not sure if she would agree for this arrangement. I am really grateful for whatever you are doing for sweety, but I don't want to hurt Tanu because of this."

I too know that Tanu would not agree to this, but do I have an option left now? I want mom to accept tanu whole heartedly and that would be only possible with this arrangement. I know Tanu can understand how much my mom's blessing for our marriage could mean to me. So she might as well agree to this.

"I know what I am doing Mahir, I want to help sweety and you don't have to worry."

"If you say so" saying that he left to his room.

I went back to sweety."What did he tell you?" she asked.

"Nothing important. I will leave now sweety. I should get back home."

"No way. Mom came when you were talking to Mahir and told me that she has arranged dinner for you and Varsha aunty. Uncle will also be joining us later."

"Ok then. let's continue playing."

We continued playing for another hour, mom called us for snacks.After dinner, mom and dad left in dad's car.

I went to office when Kishor told me that there were some files that were needed to be signed from me by tomorrow. I had to review all of them before signing and I slept in my office itself.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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