Chapter 27

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Tanvi's POV:

I started screaming Chimmi's and Rahul's name. I held mom in my hands. I tried shaking her but she didn't move. I started panicking, what shall I do now?

Rahul and Chimmi arrived in the living room. Rahul took mom from my hands and lifted her and took her to the guest room given to me. I and Chimmi followed him closely. Chimmi took a glass full of water and sprinkled on mom's face, while I was holding her hands. I was so scared.

After two- or three-minutes mom woke up and looked around. All of us breathed a sigh of relief looking at her. She started crying suddenly looking at my stomach. Chimmi signed Rahul to leave the room. He obliged and I was so grateful to him for doing that.

"Tanvi, listen to me carefully on whatever I am telling you right now. I am not going to listen to any if's or but's. Am I clear?"

I nodded at her. She continued, "I and your father always wanted to bring you and your sister up by fulfilling both of your wishes. That is the reason why we didn't stand in your way when you fell in love with a rich guy. For the same reason we obliged when you decided to live in with him, although we agreed to it after talking to him. But now that he has announced his marriage with another woman, there is no point in crying over spilled milk. If given a chance, I want to teach him a lesson for what he did with you, but that will not make any difference in your life."

"Coming to the point, Shiva Goenka is a closed chapter in your life right now. So, I expect you to come with me to our town and get married to the guy that I and your dad have searched for you Tanvi."

"Mom..." my voice broke, "how can you think that I will be able to move on so easily? And I am pregnant mom."

"About that, I want you to get an abortion."

That broke my heart into pieces, my parents have always hated killing living things. They gave up eating non-veg foods for the same reason and raised us with the same values. How can my mom expect me to kill my own child? Is she kidding?

"Mom, how can you say that? You are a mother yourself. The thing you are asking me to do is against the values that you taught me, you know that right."

"I don't care Tanvi, I don't care anymore. What do you want me to do? Support you to raise this child inside you when its own father abandoned it? What do you think will happen when your father comes to know about this? He will die of heart attack. He is a heart patient for god sake."

"Mom what are you saying?" Dad is a heart patient. Since when? 

"Your dad suffered from minor heart attack last summer. He asked me to keep this thing from you because he didn't want to worry you." She broke down crying over the floor.

This hit me like a lightning. Dad had always been like that. He doesn't want to worry me or my sister. So, most of the times he keeps things to himself.  

Mom continued, "I beg you Tanvi, please save my husband from this. If he gets to know that you are pregnant, he will definitely die of heart attack. Why do you think I came here instead of him? Because he cannot handle too much stress. If he sees you in this condition, he will go in search of that Shiva to teach him a good lesson. I did not want that to happen, so please try to understand my situation here. We might not have provided you with luxury, but our home was never short of happiness." I nodded at her agreeing her words.

"So please get rid of this baby and come back with me to our town. I and your dad will search a nice groom for you. If you don't agree to get rid of this baby then consider me, your dad and your sister to be dead for you. "

"Mom, please don't say that. I am capable enough to raise this baby on my own. I don't want to get rid of it. I will do anything but that."

"Raising a child on your own!!! You may be able to afford to raise a child financially. But for the holistic development of a child, money is only a single aspect. What will you tell that child every time it asks for its father? do you have any idea about how negatively it can impact on the child's brain? By aborting this child, you are doing it better. How do you think that child would feel when it gets to know that his/her father abandoned him/her? that baby will resent himself for life."

"Think thoroughly Tanvi. I have never asked you for anything. But today I am asking you. Abort this child and save our face in this society. I don't want your father to know about this thing. So, if you ever want to meet your father again then you have to abort this child. I will not change my decision. It is either this child or your parents."

"Aunty, the breakfast is ready." Chimmi came in. 

"Ok, ma I will think about it." I said her.

"I am not hungry anymore Chimmi." mom said to her.

I walked out of the room as I was getting late for the work. 

I drank a cup of juice and took the chapati roll with my hands and went outside.

I reached the office building 5 min late. I ran to the elevator. Just when I pressed the button outside the elevator, I blacked out dropping my handbag.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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