Chapter 47

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Tanvi's POV:

"OfCourse why not!! My daughter-in-law will soon give us all the good news. Right Tanvi?" She appeared in front of me and held my chin in a loving manner. Only I knew how loving she was towards me.

"OfCourse why not." I answered her lovingly.

"Are you, her mother-in-law?"

"Yes, I am Varsha Goenka, Shiva's mother." she answered.

"Your saree is nice. Where did you buy it?"

"Oh this, it is from Sabyasachi. It is quite expensive."

"Your necklace is so beautiful?"

"It is made of emeralds." my mother-in-law spoke.

"Tanvi, you are lucky to get married to such a rich household."

"Yes Tanvi. How come you got married to such a rich man? How did you make him fall in love with you?" I was so near to snapping at that aunty. Why can't these people mind their own business.

"Yes Tanvi, even I want to know how you made my son fall in love with you." My mother-in-law joined them.

"Hi mom. When did you guys come?" Shiva interrupted them while hugging his mom.

"5 minutes ago, Shiva."

"Now that our dear son-in-law has come, let's ask him only. Tell us Shiva, how did you fall for our Tanvi?"

"Even your mother is interested to know. Come on tell us."

"Is it mom? even you want to know. If you guys insist, then I will tell. I fell in love with her for her kindness, compassionate nature to begin with. Her eyes are captivating. I lose myself every time I look at her. "

"Son-in-law, you are making all of us jealous now."

"Yes, our husbands have never praised us like this."

"I can continue and speak about her all day."

"It's time for photos. We can talk about this another day." my mom said to everyone around us.

Soon me and Shiva stood up to take photos with the guests. They handed us their gifts. After an hour the photo session was almost ending. Most of them had had their lunch and were leaving for their houses. Shiva was making me drink water every now and then, so I don't get dehydrated.

Another family arrived on to the stage. They wished us and handed over their gift. Their son was giving Shiva a confused look.

Out of nowhere he spoke, "You are Shiva Goenka, right? The CEO of Goenka group of industries."


"Weren't your marriage arranged with someone else before and you suddenly got married to an unknown girl." my heartbeat quickened. My dad was standing next to Shiva. I don't want him to know about this.

"What? You have mistaken, I guess. My son-in-law did no such thing." my dad asked.

"Uncle, it was a big news last month. I read it in an English newspaper."

"It was a misunderstanding. But the media made it a big fiasco." Shiva spoke to cut down the matter. But it looked like the guy was not ready to bulge.

"I read that the news was announced by your company PR team itself. Then how is it possible. Anyways, happy married life." after posing for the photo, he left. Pappa looked lost thinking about something, and I knew that he was thinking about what that guy said.

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