Chapter 9

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When I left my home to go to the clinic, never did I think of the possibility that I might be pregnant. But now as I drive my car, all I could think about is the results of the pregnancy test.

I reached Slink corporation by 7pm. After parking the car in this parking lot for one last time. I made my way to the office which was on 7th floor. I was refreshing my email inbox every now and then to check if the results had come out. But much to my dismay, it wasn't there. 

I elevator dinged when it reached 7th floor. I exited the elevator and made my way to inside my office. The party was held at the cafeteria. 

I straight away went there. For those who thought that the arrangements would be like the ones happening in the corporate dinners, it is not. This party was happening in the first place because I worked here for more than five years. the cafeteria was decorated with balloons here and there. There was a collage of my photos from some corporate events over the years. I smiled remembering my initial days.

I saw my best friend Chimmi, standing there making talking to the office butler about something. The moment her eyes landed on me, she came over and engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Finally, you are here" she spoke.

"OfCourse, I had to run some errands before coming here."

She gave me a confusing look, "I'll explain you later" I assured her.

"Ok cool. We will be starting the party in a couple of minutes."

The event started with our director giving a speech about how good of an employee and a team member I am. 

Then I remember how most of the time, high profile projects were given to the men in the company, by giving some silly reasons. Here and there, some good projects were given to me to make me stay in the company.

I still remember how I was denied the promotion last march, because the same director thought it would be more thoughtful to give it to Prakash who had less experience and worked on lesser projects than I did. The reason being he was recently married. Haha, what an excuse. That was when I decided that I have had enough of this office politics, and it was time to join a company where I will be given opportunities based on my competence and not on my gender.

I was brought back when everyone clapped indicating that the director had ended his speech.

The HR head then spoke a few words about me and after half an hour the event ended. I was given a memento as a farewell gift.

Some snacks were served after the event. I went to meet the HR head to collect my relieving letter and experience letter. After having a couple of words with the HR head I came out of her cabin and Chimmi was waiting for me there.

"I thought of helping you to pack your things up. Come on let's go" I smiled at her and nodded my head. 

We went inside my cabin, started packing my things when she asked me, "Have you heard back from the interview?"

"I got selected, I received the mail this afternoon."

She ran to me and hugged me, " I am so happy for you Tanu. We have to celebrate this."

"Yes, let's go to our usual place for dinner tonight." My mind was now occupied with my pregnancy test result.

After packing the things up into a box, "Tanu, you should have sometime for yourself here, I'll be in my cabin. Call me when you are leaving."

I nod at her. After she left, I started remembering the first time I stepped into this cabin. I had got promoted as Assistant manager. Thinking about how happy I was that day brought a smile on my face. I sat there for a while remembering all the happy memories and sad ones too. 

My office door opened, my subordinates who used to work on my team had come to wish me. I shook hands with them and spoke with them for some time. After they left, I checked the time,it was 9pm. Oh shit!! Chimmi must be waiting for me for a long time now.

After looking at the cabin for one last time, I was on my way to Chimmi's cabin. I checked my phone for Shiva's message and found none. He must be busy in the event I thought. I knocked on Chimmi's cabin twice before entering. she was working on her laptop. 

"Are we ready to leave? "She asks me.

"Yes Chimmi."

She closed her laptop and took her bag and came along with me. She didn't get her car today, so she came along in my car. 

We drove to our usual place. The place was not busy as it was a weekday. We took our seats facing the road and ordered food.

"So, what took you so long today? Is something bothering you, you look tensed" She asks me.

"I was not feeling well, so I went earlier to see a doctor and..." I pause to look at her face, she looks intently at me.

"I might be pregnant Chimmi. The reports are yet to come" I finish.

She seemed to be shocked, "omg that's huge, honestly I am speechless Tanu. Have you told Shiva yet?"

"No, I am waiting for the report. I don't know how Shiva is going to react, I feel so overwhelmed right now. If the report comes out positive, am I ready to be a mother? how shall I break it my parents? I have to report to my new job also" I sigh.

"Tanu, it's ok. Don't worry, I will always be with you no matter what happens. Don't get me wrong for bringing this up, don't you think it's high time you and Shiva should get married. "

Chimmi is married, her husband Rahul is working in an MNC company. They have been married for three years now. 

"We really haven't talked about it yet. I trust him and I don't want to force anything on him. I sometimes want think about getting married as well but I don't know how to bring this whole thing up during our conversation. My mom has been pressurizing me as well."

"Even if the report were to come negative, you should seriously give it a thought. Or at least you should make it official. You should tell him how you feel about the relationship. Your parents are also looking out for you Tanu. During dinner you can subtly tell him that you are ready for marriage."

"Yea Chimmi, I'll talk to him."

The food we ordered was delivered, we started digging in and we talked about her married life.

"Tanu, Rahul and I are planning on having a kid this year", I am so happy for her.

"OMG that's amazing, I will spoil your kid with gifts." She laughs at my words.

Her phone starts to ring, she told me it was Rahul and started talking to him. After cutting the call, she was seeing something on her phone when her face paled.

"Hey Chimmi, are you ok?"

She passes me the phone and I see an article opened there that read "Goenka heir getting married to Aggarwal princess?" I scrolled down and saw a photo with Shiva and Alia walking hand in hand.


-------END OF CHAPTER-------

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Next chapter will be Shiva's POV.

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