Chapter 8

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I wake up at 2pm by the sound of my alarm and freshen up. I had already picked out the outfit yesterday, so I just wore it and got ready.

 I had already picked out the outfit yesterday, so I just wore it and got ready

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Tanvi's Outfit

I was finishing with my makeup when I received a mail from GoenkaInfrastructure. I got scared and excited at the same time. I took a deep breath before opening the mail and oh my god I am selected. I start jumping with happiness and start to scream.

The room door flies open, Ramya aunty rushes in with concern all over her face and asks me, " What happened putta, are you alright?"

"Aunty I got selected for the job."

"Oh my god, I am so happy for you." She hugs me tightly and I hug her back.

"Have you told Shiva yet?" She asks.

"Not yet, I want to tell him this in person" I am definitely going to record his reaction when I break this news to him. I chuckle at my thought.

"Ok putta, I have prepared the porridge for you"

"You get going, I will be there in a minute" she leaves and I pick my handbag and check myself out in the mirror. I walk out of the room and go to kitchen.

Ramya aunty sees me coming there and keeps a bowl with porridge on the table.

I start having it and halfway through it, I see the time and oh shit, it's 3:20 pm. I need at least half an hour to reach the clinic given the traffic.

I gobble the rest of them and bid my goodbye to aunty and left to the clinic in my car.

I reached there by 3:55pm, I relaxed that I was not late. Dr. Vaishnavi is a general physician whom I consult every time I fall ill, she is the best around here so if you miss your appointment then consider rescheduling it for another day. Her clinic is always buzzing with people.

I reach the reception area and the inform the receptionist about my appointment, she asks me to sit down in the waiting area.

I wait there for a couple of minutes when I was called in.

"Hi doctor, I greet her."

"Hi Tanvi, please have your seat, what's wrong" she asks me.

"I puked twice, yesterday and today morning and also I fainted in the morning."

"Did you have loose motion?"

"No doctor"

"When was the last time you had your periods"

I start to remember, "A few days over a month, but my breasts are paining so I guess I might be having it by the end of the week. "

"Can you lie down on the bed?"
I do as she says and lye on the bed. She starts examining my stomach area.

"Did you try pregnancy test?"

I was taken off guard with her question. I never really thought of that possibility, most of the times we used protection but sometimes we didn't. What if I am pregnant? Am I ready to become a mother?

My chain of thoughts was interrupted by Vaishnavi, "Tanvi did you take a pregnancy test? There is a possibility that you might be pregnant. "

"No, I have not taken one", she nods at my response and goes back to her seat.

She starts writing down on the prescription sheet, "I want you to get a pregnancy test done. It's better to take the test in a diagnostic center as the results from pregnancy test kits will not be 100% accurate. If the report comes positive, then you should meet an obstetrician. If the test comes negative and the vomiting still persists, then I want you to come and see me. She hands me the prescription.

"I have written the name of the test here. You can use the tablet I have written to avoid nausea, it doesn't have any side effects."

"Ok doctor, thank you. I will take my leave now" she smiles at me as I walk out of the consultation room. 

"Excuse me, is there any diagnostic center nearby?" I ask the receptionist.

"Yes ma'am. You can find one in 100 meters" she tells me the direction and I left after thanking her.

My phone starts ringing, and I see chimmi calling me.

Chimmi is my colleague but more than that she is my best friend here in Bangalore. Just like me, even she is facing gender discrimination in the office so she resigned and will be relieved by the end of the month. She knows about my relationship with Shiva.

I answer her call, "hey chimmi" I was cut off by her.

"Bro where are you? I don't want you to be late for your own sendoff party. Although I know that it's a namesake party, but I want you to enjoy on your last day here."

"Do not worry, I'll be on time. I'm on my way. I'll talk to you later", I assured her and cut the call.

Right now, I want to head to the Diagnostic center to get the test done. My whole future depends on this test, so why delay the inevitable.

I feel tensed as I enter the building, it's on the first floor. I almost decided to go back and come some other time while I was climbing the stairs, but yet again my mind told me 'what difference would it make? I am a strong woman and I can do this'. Then I took a deep breath and walked up the stairs. The receptionist asked me, "Good evening ma'am, how may I help you?"

I gulped down, as words didn't come out, I closed my eyes for a moment and opened them and replied to her, "I am here to get a pregnancy test done."

She asked name and other essentials and printed the bill after I paid the money. She handed me a bill and a slip and said, "You can go the right most room. The bill is for yourself, hand the slip to the attendant inside."

I thanked her and went there.

A woman was sitting there, she asked me for my slip which I gave her. She took my blood sample and told me that the report will be mailed to my email address within a day. I thanked her and left for my sendoff party. 

-------**END OF CHAPTER**-------

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