Chapter 50

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Shiva's POV:

"Tanu, please don't leave me. I will make this alright." I was pleading Tanu while she was packing up her clothes.

"Things can never be the same again. It has never been since you agreed to marry that homewrecker, Alia."

"Tanu calm down, let's sit and talk."

"I am done with you and your excuses. We will talk after you make things right, which is never going to happen. So goodbye."

"TANU WAIT!!! TANU STOP!!!" Tanu walked away from me and never turned back.

I woke up from nightmare with sweat beads on my forehead. I turned around and relief flooded through me when I found Tanu asleep. She was sleeping peacefully with tear stains on her cheek. I brushed off hairs from her forehead and kissed her forehead.

I freshened up and hit my gym. I wanted to let go of all the anger in me. I wore my boxing gloves and started hitting the sandbag. Everything that happened yesterday started playing in my mind. Why would Alia do something like that to me? She was my best friend. We were together throughout our childhood. She knows how much Tanu means to me. What will she get by hurting Tanu and separating her from her parents.

She knows that I don't let people who go behind my back that easily. From announcing my wedding with her to helping her in financing for her new fashion venture, I have done everything that I could have done to help her. What would she get out of this? How will she be benefitted with this? Who is with her in this? Whoever be it, I will teach them a lesson that they will remember throughout their life. Is it her dad or Mahir? What is their intention? Is this some business strategy? But this has nothing to do with Goenka Industries and I have already cleared everything out to the media. The only outcome from doing this is Tanu got separated from her parents. How will this be beneficial to anyone? They got it back on internet when we were heading to Tanu's parents place. Is all this preplanned? But how did Alia get to know that we were heading to Tanu's parents place? Other than mom and dad no one knew about this.

My cellphone started ringing. The call was from Kishor.

"Good morning, sir."

"Morning Kishor."

"Sir, I checked everything again. Ms. Alia is the one behind all this."

"Okay. Set up a meeting with Mahir at 11 and tell him that it is urgent."

"But we have a meeting with an important client at 11 A.M sir." 

"Postpone it, Kishor."

"Ok sir."

I cut the call. Let's see what Mahir has to say about this.

I went back to my room and got ready. Tanu was still sleeping when I came back from bath. I took a sticky note and wrote on it that I will be leaving to work and asked her to take care.

I saw Ramya aunty cooking breakfast.

"Good morning, Shiva putta." (putta is an endearment word used to refer kids)

"Good morning aunty."

"How did all the functions go in your in-laws place." she asked with a smile.

"Function was good aunty but Tanu's dad got to know that she is pregnant. So much happened after that." I said sighing.

"Oh my god. How did he take the news?"

"He needs some time aunty. Take care of Tanu aunty, she is upset about yesterday's events."

"OfCourse Shiva. You don't worry I will take care of her. Are you leaving for office now?"

"Yes aunty. I have an important meeting today. I will be back by afternoon."

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