Chapter 39

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Tanvi's POV:

We were travelling to my parent's home. Shiva was reading something on his iPad. Although I was curious to know what he was reading. I held myself back from asking him.

Halfway through the journey, Shiva asked the driver to stop the car. I looked quizzically at him.

"I have brought something for you. Wait a minute. He opened a tumbler from the cup holder on his side of the car door. Drink this, I made this smoothie for you."

"You did what?"

"I prepared this smoothie for you. I read in this book that it is good for to-be moms."

"Is that a pregnancy book?"

"Yes Tanu. Now come on finish this." He passed the tumbler to me.

I was shocked by the revelation that he was actually going through these books. I took a sip of the smoothie. It had a weird taste. I closed my eyes and drank it in one go. 

"I cannot drink anymore of these." I said pleadingly.

"But I have already made a timetable of smoothies to prepare every day. Don't worry, from tomorrow I will prepare another glass for me as well, if it makes you feels any better.  We will drink it together."

I groaned at his words. He chuckled at me and asked the driver to start the car.

My house in my hometown is not as big compared to Shiva's mansion. But it is enough for us. This is the house where me and my sister grew up. It has a garden in the backyard, where my mother grows some vegetables for cooking and flowers for worshipping. It has three bedrooms. And a veranda at the top. Sometimes, we eat our dinner there, followed by star gazing. Life was so simple and beautiful when I lived here with my parents. We reached my parents' house after an hour or so.

At the sound of car horn, Chutki came outside. She was smiling widely looking at us.

Mom eyes teared up looking at me. Dad's eyes were also glistening with tears. Mom did Aarthi to us and welcomed us.

Shiva came in along with my backpack. Mom brought coffee and some snacks for us. She gave me plain milk. After talking for a while dad asked me to take Shiva to my room to rest. Shiva wanted to leave after having coffee but dad and mom insisted that he stay for dinner as well. He obliged in the end.

I was walking upstairs to my room with Shiva following me closely behind. After entering the room, I sat on my bed after a long time. Shiva locked the door surprising me.

"Why did you lock the door?" I asked him.

"You owe me a kiss dear wife. Did you forget it already?" he said walking towards the bed. 

"I didn't mean it when I said that. Don't come near me." 

"Are you scared that you cannot control yourself if I come near you? A promise is a promise whether you mean it or not."

"I am not scared of anything." I scoffed.

"We will see about that."

He pulled me up. I was surprised when he did that.

He held my waist in one hand and my neck in the other. I was breathless. I could not move. It was as if I was hypnotized by his eyes.

He moved towards my face. His eyes eying my lips. He then looked into my eyes. 

"Kiss me, Tanu." he said in a husky voice.

I gulped. I couldn't speak, it was as if words were stuck in my throat. I shook my head.  

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