Chapter 40

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Tanvi's POV:

"What plans?..."

"Tanu and mom, it's time. Let's go." Shiva interrupted me and entered the room and held my hand.

His mom left as soon as he held my hand. I could see that she was gritting her teeth when she saw him doing that.

I shook my head and went along with Shiva. The reception went well. I didn't see Alia this time also when everyone else for Aggarwal's were there. I decided not to give it much thought.

He held my hands throughout the reception. My cheeks started aching after smiling for every
picture. The photographer made us do so many poses. I was an inch away from snapping at the photographer. But, the poor guy was only doing his duty.

By the end of reception, my legs were aching badly. I didn't have an appetite. I just wanted to

After reaching the room, I lazily got out of the gown. I didn't bother to pick it from the floor. I kept the jewellery on the dressing table. I picked the first thing I found in the closet which turned out to be Shiva's hoodie. I put it on and lied on the bed.

The door opened after some time. I didn't bother to see who it was. I was trying to sleep but my legs were aching.

"Tanu, you didn't eat anything for dinner. You should not sleep on an empty stomach. I brought some cut fruits for you. Wake up and have it."

"I am tired, Shiva. Please don't force me to eat anything now."

“Come on, it will hardly take a couple of minutes.” He fed me the fruits.

“Did you have dinner?” I asked him.

“How can I have it when you are sleeping on an empty stomach?” I rolled my eyes at his words.

He chuckled looking at me.
“Sleep now, good night.” He said and started stroking my hairs.

I tossed around because of leg pain.

“Are you not sleepy anymore?” he asked.

“No, actually…my legs are in pain.”

“I will massage them for you. Sleep now.”

He sat on my side of the bed and massaged my legs. I felt overwhelmed when he did that, I
guess it is because of the hormones or tiredness.

I dozed off after some time.

When I woke up the next day, I didn’t find Shiva in the room. I got ready in casuals and headed for breakfast.

I found him talking to someone over the phone, he waved his hand at me when he saw me. I nodded at him acknowledging him. He walked towards me after ending the call.

“Good morning Tanu. How are you feeling today? Does your legs still pain?”

“I am good. They aren’t in pain anymore.”

“I see. Come on, let's have breakfast.”

“Didn’t have your breakfast yet?”

“How can I have it without my wife?” he winked at me.

I shook my head at his antics and served food to my plate and his.

We started having breakfast. “We will be shifting to the penthouse today.”

“Is everything ready there?”

“Yea, I got it cleaned two days ago. Kishore is looking after packing the essentials and moving them. Let me know once you pack your stuff. I will ask someone to shift it there.”

“Ok. Where is dad?”

“He  had breakfast and went to the office after asking me to take a day off today. Mom is in her room .”

“Okay.” I resumed eating.

I packed all my stuff and Shiva brought them out of the room. He didn’t let me lift any bags. I rolled my eyes at him.

Shiva’s mom came to the living room when we were about to leave. Shiva touched her feet and I followed him. She hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"Shiva, you go ahead and get the car ready. I will be talking with Tanvi till then."

"Ok ma. Sure." He left saying that.

"Don't think that I can't seperate you both just because you stay at a different house. I will always have my eyes on you." She said while holding my eyes.

Her hand tightened around mine. It started hurting me, but I didn't show it on my face.

"Do whatever you want. If it is meant to be then no one can stop it from happening. I thought you would have learnt that after your son married me despite all the Plans you made. Anyways it's getting late. See you some other time, my dear mother in law."

She gritted her teeth at my words. I went to the car and sat down.

The new penthouse was around the same size as the previous one. It took us a day to unpack all of my dresses and arrange them in the closet. Shiva was also unpacking his clothes. I went to the kitchen to cook something with what was available in the kitchen.

I reminded myself to go to the supermarket to bring some groceries and vegetables.

We had lunch together and Shiva accompanied me to the supermarket. It was like old times
when we used to go shopping together. I shook my head at such thoughts.

While on our way back home, we passed in front of Goenka Infrastructures and it reminded
me of a question I was meaning to ask Shiva since I got married to him.

“Does everyone in the office know that I am married to you?”

“Yea. Will that be a problem?”

“Well, yes I do have a problem with it. Your marriage was announced and celebrated in the
office and almost a week after that you got married to me. The people will think of me as a homewrecker. And both of us know that it is the last thing I want right now.”

“I will make sure that nothing such will happen.”

“How are you going to do that?”

“Tanu baby, leave it to me and relax. Are you going back to the office tomorrow?”


“You could have joined after our reception in your hometown.”

“I cannot sit at home and do nothing till then.”

“Okay, if you say so. Ramya aunty will be coming tomorrow to cook."

I nodded at him and went to the

Shiva cooked pasta for dinner. He is cooking after such a long time. It was very tasty.

"Are you enjoying my pasta?"

"It is fine, eatable." I didn't wanna admit that it tasted out of the world. His mouth fell open, I smirked at him. He drew his chair closer to mine. When I was about to wonder what he was up to. He started tickling me.

I was giggling.

"So my pasta is just fine huh?"

"Now tell me how the pasta is actually tasting. I won't stop tickling until then."

"It is tasty."

"Just tasty?" He said continuing tickling.

"Ahhh!! It is... It is out of world."

"that's like my girl." We finished eating. He did the dishes. I went to the room.

After changing into my PJ’s I slept. After sometime I felt someone snuggling into me.

-------END OF CHAPTER--------

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